Ärimaja Ehituse Organiseerimine

dc.contributor.advisorAlt, Aivars
dc.contributor.authorLepna, Ragnar
dc.description.abstractLõputöö käigus on lahendatud ärimaja ehituistööde organiseerimine lähtudes ehitustingimustest ja arhitektuursest lahendusest. Ärimaja hoone krundi suuruseks on 1506 m², millest ehitusalune pind on 477,5 m². Hoone ehitustööde maksumuseks on 1848755,2 € ilma 20 % käibemaksuta, koos käibemaksuga 20 % on hoone maksumus 2218506,3 €. Hoone ruutmeetri maksumus on 862 €. Ehituseelarvest moodustavad kõige suurema osa tehnosüsteemid, fassaadi- katusetööd ja betoonitööd. Hoone rajatakse plaatvundamendile. Ehitustöödeks kulub 11 kuud, algus kuupäevaga 15.07.2019 ja valmimiskuupäevaga 30.06.2020. Lõputöö käigus on detailsemalt käsitletud kogu hoone betoonitöid. Koostatud tehnoloogiakaardis on väljatoodud tööde teostamise kirjeldused, brigaadide koosseisud ja töömahud. Vajalikud sõlmed ja lõiked konstruktsioonist ja raketistest, vajalikud seadmed ja masinad, ning tööohutuse ja kvaliteedi tagamise plaanid. Tehtavate tööde kohta on koostatud koondkalenderplaan, kasutades abimaterjale EKE NORA normidest saadud ajanorme ühiktöödele ning kasutades ettevõtte siseseid tööajanorme betoonitöödel. Lõputöö käigus saadud teadmistest väärtustab autor eelarvestamisega seotud osa, ehk siis ajanorme ja ühikhindest saadud informatsiooni.et
dc.description.abstractThe thesis provides an overview of the architectural solution and construction conditions for building the business house. The plot size of the commercial building is 1506 m², of which the area under construction is 477.5 m². A detailed construction budget has been prepared for the commercial building. The EKE NORA database has been used for budgeting. The cost of construction is 1848755.2 € without 20% VAT, or, including 20% VAT, the cost of the building is 2218506.3 €. Technical systems (26%), façade & roofing (21.5%) and concrete works (10.3%) account for the largest share of the construction budget. The building will be built on a slab foundation. The method of contracting a commercial building is general contracting. General contracting uses various subcontracting companies for construction. The construction work takes 11 months, from 15.07.2019, and gets completed on 30.06.2020. The architectural solution of the building uses modern parameters characterizing the area. The façade of the building is made of light-coloured aluminium composite façade tiles, dark grey vertical stripes add accent to the building, and the window glasses are matted. The thesis discusses in more detail the part of the whole building’s load-bearing structure, which is the concrete work. The load-bearing structure elements are the load-bearing walls and poles located on the floors. The building’s intermediate ceilings are made of reinforced concrete. The building has a total of 5 floors, of which -1 floor is a garage, and floors 1 to 4 are office and service areas. The height of the building is 11.4 / 14.7 m, the length is 29.3 m and the width – 18.2 m. A technological map has been prepared for concrete works, which includes more in-depth construction techniques of concrete works, framing, reinforcement and concreting. The need for labour required at each stage of work, the duration of work and the volumes of materials are indicated. Occupational safety and quality requirements for the works given are also described. The author values more the part related to budgeting, i.e. the time norms and the information obtained from the unit rate. Besides, the part of the calendar schedule of concrete works presented in the work, which was realized according to what the author had set out with the project manager, is also worthy.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationConstruction--Building Construction--Constructionen
dc.subject.classificationConstruction--Building Constructionen
dc.subject.classificationConstruction--Building Construction--Construction--Organization of constructionen
dc.subject.classificationEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Ehitamineet
dc.subject.classificationEhitus--Hoonete ehituset
dc.subject.classificationEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Ehitamine--Ehituse organiseerimineet
dc.subject.otherHoonete ehituset
dc.subject.otherBuilding Constructionen
dc.titleÄrimaja Ehituse Organiseerimine
dc.title.alternativeThe Organization of Business House Construction
