Eluhoone konstruktsiooniosa projekt aadressil Päevakoera 9,Tallinn

dc.contributor.advisorKiisa, Martti
dc.contributor.authorErvin, Alar
dc.description.abstractLõputöös teostati tugevusarvutused Päevakoera tn 9 eramu terasprofiilidest konstruktsioonide leidmiseks. Eluhoone katus ulatub konsoolselt üle välisseinte, mis lisas arvutustele keerukust. Samuti on sõlmlahendused keerukad, sest ruumi on vähe ning termiprofiil töötab hästi vaid ühes suunas. Lõputöös leiti konstruktsioonidele mõjuvad koormused ning teostati arvutused kandev-konstruktsioonides kasutatavate materjalide ristlõigete leidmiseks ning koostati Acad-i tark-varaga arvutusskeemid ja koormuste epüürid. Dimensioneerimisele kuulusid katuslae termo-profiil, seina termoprofiil, teraspost ning terastala klaasfassaadi osas. Termorpfiilide arvutused on tehtud vastavalt EVS-EN-1993-1-3 standardile. Katuserooviks valiti välja TC300 t=1,5 sammuga 400 mm ning seinapostiks valiti TC250 t=1,5 sammuga 600 mm-i. Teraspostiks valisin RHS 100x50x2,5 ning terastalaks RHS 150x50x6. Lõputöö eesmärk said täidetud ning vajalikud profiilid on välja dimensioneeritud.et
dc.description.abstractA structural project for a residential building at Päevakoera 9 In today’s world of construction, where energy efficiency and quick assembly are essential, one solution is to build residential buildings, as well as office buildings and shopping centres from thermopanels. A thermopanel is a wall or roof panel, which is formed on a thermoprofile frame. The thermoprofile frame is filled with mineral wool, internally lined with a vapour barrier sheet and plasterboard, externally lined with a wind barrier plasterboard with an option to add an internal and external finish. The thermoprofile has no particular restraints in regard to the finish. The rigidity of the building is achieved with building boards that cover the framework. A thermoprofile is a thin hot-dip galvanised sheet metal formed into a profile, which has far superior thermal conductivity properties than a regular steel profile. These properties are achieved by the perforation of the profile wall. Additional advantages include exact dimensioning, lightness, form-stability and high environmental resistance. The thermopanel is prepared at the factory with windows installed into the panel, if possible. The installation of a thermopanel can be done quickly, which means the building can be made water and wind resistant in two to three days. The purpose of this thesis was to design a load-bearing steel framework for a residential building. The roof and three sides of the building have been designed from thermopanels and one side is a glass façade supported by steel columns. The thesis includes strength calculations for determining the steel profile structures of the building at Päevakoera 9. The roof has an overhang from the external walls, which made the calculations more complicated. Assembly joints are also complicated due to the limits on space and the fact that the thermoprofile only functions well in one direction. The loads bearing on the structures were determined and calculations made to ascertain the cross sections of materials used in the load-bearing structures. ACAD software was used to compile calculation and load diagrams. The dimensioned elements were: the roof thermoprofile, the wall thermoprofile, the steel column and the steel beam in the glass façade section. The calculations for the thermoprofiles have been made in accordance with the EVS-EN-1993-1-3 standard. TC300 (t = 1.5, 400 mm spacing) was picked as the roof batten and TC250 (t = 1.5, 600 mm spacing) as the wall stud. RHS 100 × 50 × 2.5 was selected as the steel column and RHS 150 × 50 × 6 as the steel beam. The objective of the thesis was achieved and the necessary profiles were dimensioneden
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationConstruction--Construction Mechanics--Construction Statics and Computation of Loadsen
dc.subject.classificationEhitus--Ehitusmehaanika--Ehitusstaatika ja koormuste arvutuset
dc.subject.otherHoonete ehituset
dc.subject.otherBuilding Constructionen
dc.titleEluhoone konstruktsiooniosa projekt aadressil Päevakoera 9,Tallinn
dc.title.alternativeA structural project for a residential builidin at Päevakoera 9
