Hoone geodeetiline inventariseerimine



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Käesolevas lõputöös on antud ülevaade Soomes Tampere linnas asuva Takahuhdin kooli inventariseerimisest, erinevate laserskaneerimise tehnoloogiate ja fotogramm-meetria abil. Lõputöö esimeses osas käsitletakse hoonete inventariseerimise põhimõtteid. Tutvustatakse erinevaid GNSS, laserskaneerimis ja fotogramm-meetria mõõtmismeetodeid ning analüüsitakse nende täpsusnõudeid ja võimalikke vigade allikaid. Töö teises peatükis käsitletakse projekti praktilise osa läbiviimist. Luuakse ülevaade objektist, projekti lähteülesandest ja tööde planeerimisest. Tuuakse välja kuidas toimus mõõdistusvõrgu rajamine, erinevad laserskaneerimis ja fotogramm-meetrilised mõõdistustööd ja mis instrumente kasutati tööde läbiviimiseks. Lõputöö kolmandas ja viimases osas käsitletakse välitööde järgset andmetöötlust ja hinnatakse saadud tulemusi. Käsitletakse erinevates programmides punktipilvede kokku panemist, plaanide joonestamist, andmetöötlusest saadud väljundeid ja tulemusi. Projekt kestis kokku kaks kuud, millest viis päeva oli planeeritud välitööle, nädal aega andmetöötlusele ja ülejäänud aeg joonestamisele. Ajakavas peeti kinni terve projekti vältel ning tulemused anti kliendile üle kokkulepitud kuupäevaks. Saadud tulemused vastasid kliendi soovitud nõuetele.

The following thesis Geodetic Inventory of the Building objective is to provide an overview of building surveying using the mobile and terrestrial laser scanning methods plus the arial photogrammetric method. When a building needs reconstruction or just to renew the plans then detailed information about the building is needed. This information is usually provided by floor plans, various facade views and different cross-sections of the object. These plans can be created after a thorough survey and data processing. The object for the following thesis was Takahuhdin school building located in Tampere, Finland. The thesis is divided into three parts, the first being a theoretical overview of building surveying, the second covering the fieldwork that was conducted and the third about data processing including results. The first chapter explains the principles of building surveying and what are the possibilities to carry out such work. Followed by an overview of various GNSS, laser scanning and photogrammetry measurement methods including analysis of their accuracy requirements and possible sources of errors. Also, principles and accuracy requirements of creating a measuring network inside and outside of the building is presented. The second chapter of the thesis is based on the practical part of the work. The practical part gives an overview of the object, explains given task, how the work was planned out and field work itself. Also, this chapter introduces different instruments that were used and the work process. RTC360 was used to measure facades, NavVis VLX was used to measure inside the building and DJI Phantom 4 Pro v2.0 was used to measure roofs. Measurements from inside of the building were registered with target based registration and the outside measurements were done by using both point cloud overlapping and target registration. GNSS measurement method was used to establish the measuring network alongside with a total station. Total station was also used get the measured point coordinates into Finland’s nation coordinate and height system. The third and final part of the thesis covers data processing after the field work and evaluates the obtained results. A description of assembling point clouds, drawing 2D plans, final outputs and results with different programs are provided. In conclusion, this thesis gives an overview on how different measuring methods can be used for building surveying and the process followed to make floor plans, facade views and cross-sections from point clouds.



