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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Lõputöös on kogutud vajalik informatsioon avatäidete ja klaasfassaadide projekteerimiseks: sissemurdmiskindlus, isikuturvalisus, helinõue, päikesefaktor ning eraldi akende, uste ja fassaadide kirjeldus. Sarnase projekti lahendamisel võib lõputööd kasutada abistava materjalina. Selleks, et lõputöö maht jääks kehtestatud piiridesse pole käesolevas töös kajastatud profiilide töötluseid, värvimistehnoloogiat, saagimise optimeeringuid ja koostamislehti. Samal põhjusel ei ole eraldi toodud kinnituste ega klaasfassaadide kronsteinide tugevusarvutusi. Lõputöö koostamisel on läbi vaadatud palju standardeid. Rootsi ja Eesti metoodikatega saadud arvutustulemused on võrreldud omavahel. Rootsis, Norrköpingis kasutatakse tuule baaskiirust 24 m/s, kuid Eestis 21 m/s, see erinevus mõjutab oluliselt arvutusliku tippkiirusrõhu väärtust. Rootsis saadakse sarnastel tingimustel 0,6870 kN/m2 ja Eestis 0,5787 kN/m2. Tuulerõhu arvutuses Rootsi standardi rahvuslik lisa lubab kasutada metoodikat mis sõltuvalt konstruktsiooni kõrgusest võimaldab kasutada erinevaid koormuseid. Näidiseks võetud esimese korruse akna A tsooni tuulerõhk on: Rootsis w_neto=0,66 kN/m^2 kuid Eestis oleks 0,82 kN/m^2. Suur vahe tekib sellest, et Rootsi tuulerõhk on valitud esimesel korrusel asuva avatäite ülemise serva järgi ning Eesti tuulerõhk on võetud arvestades kogu hoone kõrgust. Järgmise arvutusplokina oli uuritud temperatuurikoormuse mõju laiadele akendele. Siinkohal Rootsi ja Eesti arvutusmetoodikad olid sarnased ainukese erinevusega, et Rootsis on madalam minimaalne temperatuur ja kõrgem maksimaalne temperatuur aasta jooksul. Suuremad temperatuurivahed põhjustavad suurema profiili lühenemise/pikenemise. Eestis on saadud geomeetriast tingitud maksimaalne lubatud profiili pikkus 5608,9 mm ning Rootsis 5401,2 mm. Silikoonvuugi tolerants mängib antud projektis väikest rolli kuna see asub sisetingimustes. Lõputöö koostamise ajal Kohtumaja avatäidete projekteerimine pole veel lõppenud, kuid enamus sõlmi on läbi töötatud ja mõned neist on näidatud lõputöös. Samuti tehti projektis muudatusi, näiteks mõned klaaspaketid on asendatud sarnastega et fassaadides kasutatud klaasing oleks võimalikult ühesuguse paksusega. Lõputöö võib olla kasulik ehitusega seotud inimestele silmaringi laiendamiseks. Neid andmeid võib nimetada baasiks, mida teab iga välisavatäidete projekteerija.

In this thesis the author has collected and explained the necessary information for designing windows, doors and glass facades and that has been used in designing the windows and doors of the Courthouse. The edifice being built is located in Norrköping in Sweden. This enables to compare the differences in Estonian and Swedish regulations both in terms of classification and calculation methods. As source data, architectural and constructive designs prepared by various undertakings have been used. Windows, doors and glass facades are an important part of construction. They must comply with many different requirements, including burglary resistance, personal safety, sound insulation requirement, U-value and glass solar factor. All the abovementioned parametres influence the choice of glazing and profile systems. The author of the thesis has conducted an analysis of European standards including their national supplements, requirements of the manufacturers of glass and aluminium systems and other regulations. Accordingly, special focus has been paid to the remarks that are important for designing the windows, doors and glass facades. In addition, the design includes geometrical solutions of some special requirements. Since there are load-bearing pillars within the window openings, it requires a solution that is glazed from the outside. The shape of the glass facades is an arc consisting of sectors. In the thesis the author describes the activities of the designer at different stages of designwork in the order of their completion: preparation of approval drawings, ordering of materials, preparation of element drawings and montage drawings. During the preparation of the thesis, approval drawings have been made, the material has been ordered by elements, but the element drawings and montage drawings have been made only in part. Calculations form a significant part of the thesis. In order to ensure that calculation results are representative for the whole building, the calculations have been carried out on the structures to which the highest loads of this type apply and the results have been compared with the maximum permissible values. For the beam under the heaviest glass, a deflection has been calculated, resulting from the weight of the glass and the beam. The wind load is calculated for the profiles of the window and the glass facade, which are located between larger glass fields. There is a significant difference between the Estonian and Swedish wind load calculation methods – although Sweden uses the same or higher base wind speed values than Estonia, it is allowed to calculate the top speed pressure by using the actual height of the partition opening and not the entire height of the building, provided that certain conditions are met. The impact of wind zones is presented by floor. In the preparation of this design, special attention has been paid to the width of the windows. Due to the effect of the temperature load, many windows consist of several parts. Also a small difference in the measures of shortening/lengthening in Estonia and Sweden has been discovered by the author. All maximum values of calculated loads are compared with the values of the profiles used. In order to keep the volume of the thesis within the permitted limits, strength calculations for individual fixtures and brackets of glass facades have not been provided. The thesis highlights the knowledge that is used by the designers of glazed partitions. The author of this thesis prepared Excel spreadsheets when performing calculations, which can be used also in the future for finding loads. The theoretical part can also be used as an auxiliary material for the preparation of similar projects. This thesis can be useful for construction specialists in broadening their horizons.



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