Hotelli geodeetiline teenindamine



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Käesolevas lõputöös kirjeldatakse Ibis hotelli ehitusgeodeetilisi töid. Ehitusobjekti aadress on Juhkentali 28, Tallinn. 190 numbritoaga hotelli avamine on planeeritud juunis 2019. Hades Geodeesia OÜ teostas geodeetilisi töid antud objektil detsembrist 2017 kuni märtsini 2019. Lõputöö autor töötas antud ehitusobjektil alates aprillist 2018. Lõputöös kirjeldatakse loodud alusvõrgu piisava täpsuse saavutamise meetodeid ning töövahendeid. Põhjendatakse ära alusvõrgu punktide paiknemine ja nende nimekoodide lisamise põhimõtted. Seletatakse lühidalt lahti ehituse koordinaatsüsteemi vajalikkus. Väljamärkimised ja teostusmõõdistused toimusid ehitusobjektil küll vaheldumisi aga käesolevas lõputöös on need eraldi välja toodud kahe suure peatükina. Märkimistööde juures kirjeldatakse märgitavate punktide loomist ja kandmist väliarvutisse. Tuuakse välja antud objektil tehtud tööd ning kasutatud vahendid ning kuidas tuleb erinevaid elemente ehitusel maha märkida. Kirjeldatud on ka sarnaste elementide erinevaid märkimise võimalusi. Teostusmõõdistuste tegemisel arvestatakse sellega, et geodeet peab objektil mõõdistama elemendid joonestajale arusaadavaid koode kasutades. Tutvustatakse ka kameraaltöid ning teostusjoonistele esitatavaid nõudeid ning kuidas neid leida võib. Viimases peatükis tuuakse välja esinenud probleeme ning tähtsamatele pakutakse välja lahendusi, et tulevikus sarnases olukorras neid vältida.

The topic of this graduation thesis is Geodetic Survey of a Hotel, which describes geodetic operations performed within the framework of the construction of Ibis Hotel from the establishment of grid to post-construction execution measurements. The hotel is located at the address Juhkentali 28, Tallinn, with opening scheduled in June 2019. Construction activities were started in December 2017. The main contractor was Hausers Grupp OÜ. Geodetic operations were performed by Hades Geodeesia OÜ. The author of the thesis performed geodetic surveys at the object from April 2018 to March 2019. Structure of the graduation thesis is based on the sequence of geodetic operations. The graduation thesis starts with introduction of geodetic instruments. The following section describes creation of the grid and the methods for ensuring the required precision, including marking of the points of measurement grid needed during the entire construction period around the object. Brief description is provided of the entry of construction coordinates into the system and relevant need. Major part of the thesis is concentrated on the description of marking activities. The description covers various possibilities for preparing the marking activities. Different stages of marking activities are highlighted in the chronological order of construction, starting from excavation limit and ending with ventilation chamber located on the roof. Each sub-section includes description of marking of relevant elements at the object and the methods for achieving sufficient precision. In the chapter of as-built measurements, similar to the chapter of marking activities, description is provided of as-built measurements of various elements, principles of as-built measurement of elements, correct and rational operating methods. The precision of measured elements is also specified. To some extent, the author of the thesis also explains drafting principles of as-built drawings. Furthermore, description is provided of the principles of final as-built measurements of a building and drafting of final as-built drawing according to the procedure specified in the „Requirements set to topographic-geodetic survey and as-built measurements” established by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure. The final chapter describes the problems encountered during geodetic operations at the construction of Ibis Hotel.


