Asulasiseste tänavate topo-geodeetilise uuringu, maapinnamudeli ja 3D-alusplaani koostamine

dc.contributor.advisorUueküla, Katrin
dc.contributor.authorKasela, Siret
dc.description.abstractKäesolevas töös on antud ülevaade asulasiseste topo-geodeetilise alusplaani mõõdistamisest, kameraaltöödest, maapinnamudeli tegemisest ning 3D-alusplaani koostamisest Tallinna linnas, Põhja-Tallinna linnaosas Ristiku, Ristiku põik ning Härjapea tänavate näitel. Töö koostamist alustati jaanuaris 2023 ning töö valmis 2023. aasta mai kuuks. Mõõdistusala suuruseks kujunes 12.6 hektarit. Topo-geodeetiline uuring viidi läbi veebruari keskpaigast märtsi lõpuni. Maa-ala mõõdistati elektrotahhümeetriga, mõõdistusvõrgu punktide loomiseks kasutati ka GNSS seadet. Töös kirjeldatakse mõõdistusvõrgu rajamist, objektil ohutuse tagamist. Samuti on kirjeldatud maapinnamudeli koostamist ning tehnovõrkude parameetrite kogumist, mille abil koostati hiljem tehnovõrkude 3D mudelid. Autori arvates on kõige suurem võimalik eksimiskoht teostusjoonise kõrgussüsteemi mitte kindlaks tegemise korral. Samuti tuleb jälgida, kas joonisel esitatud kõrgus on mõõdistatud torustiku peale või on andmed esitatud torustiku teljele. Maapinnamudeli ning tehnovõrkude 3D-mudelite koostamiseks kasutati Civil 3D tarkvara. Kuna autor ei olnud varasemalt oma igapäevatöös maapinnamudeli ja tehnovõrkude 3D-mudelite koostamisega kokku puutunud, siis oli antud töö läbiviimine kindel proovikivi. Samas leiab autor, et tõenäoliselt õppis ta antud töö näitel väga palju, sest olla osaline igas töö etapis
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this graduation thesis Drafting of Topo-Geodetic Survey, Surface Model and 3D Base Plan of Urban Streets is to give an overview of conducting a topo-geodetic survey, creation of the ground surface model and 3D models of utility networks. This thesis is based on the example of Ristiku, Ristiku põik and Härjapea streets, which are located in Põhja-Tallinn district, Tallinn. The area for the survey was 12.6 hectares and the survey took place from February 2023 to the end of March 2023. This thesis is divided into four main topics – surveying on site, drafting of a topo-geodetic plan, creating a ground surface and and creating 3D model. In the first part of thesis, the author describes creating a survey network and safety measures while working on site. Survey network was created using survey marks. Unfortunately there were no survey marks visible all the time, so it was necessary to use marking nails. Marking nails were measured with GNSS recievers. These points were measured with two initializations. Topo-geodetic plan was measured using total stations. Used GNSS recievers were Satlab SL900, Trimble R8 and Trimble R12LT. Used total stations were Spectre Focus 50 and Trimble S6. Using safety jackets or vests was compulsory while working on site. Other safety equipment was not used. Setting up the total station on a sidewalk was avoided. Total station was kept in places, where pedestrians would not walk. The second part describes data processing of topo-geodetic survey and data collection of utility networks, including placement depth. Topo-geodetic plan was drafted using AutoCad Map3D software. The depth data was obtained from construction drawing of utility networks. Unfortunately, there were no drawings about some of the utility networks. In this situation this utility network was labeled with „approximate“ sign. The third part describes how to create and land surface model. Land surface model was created using Civil 3D software. It is very important to use elevation points surveyed on the ground and to exclude elevation points that do not describe the ground surface. Ground surface model should not contain elevation points, that are surveyed on steps, stairs, rocks etc. Otherwise the surface model would be inaccurate. The fourth part describes how to create 3D models of some underground utility networks, houses and lamp posts. 3D models were also created using Civil 3D software. Sewers and storm sewers were modeled using the data from topo-geodetic survey. These were modeled using „pipe network“ command in Civil 3D. Waterpipes, gas pipes and heating pipes were modeled also using „pipe network“ commands but the data was collected from construction drawings. Electricity cables and network cables were modeled using „3D modeling“ workspace in Civil 3D. Since the cables are mostly inside a protective tube, they were represented as a 3D model of the pipes. For each cable a 3Dpolyline was created, then there was created a circle perpendiculary with the 3D polyline, that was the same size as the protective tube. Then there was created a model using the „sweep“ command in Civil 3D. For creating a lamp post, there was created a 3D figure on a lamp post. After drawing the desired object, it was created as a block reference using the command „block“ in Civil 3D. After that it was possible to copy this block reference to desired place. The author of this thesis has not carried out surveys on such scale. The area was big and there were a lot of to keep in mind. As the author was involved in every stage of the project, she learned a lot about working with projects of this size. Gained experience is very helpful with other projects in the future.
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subjectEhitus::Rakendusgeodeesia::Geodeesia::Topograafiline mõõdistamine
dc.titleAsulasiseste tänavate topo-geodeetilise uuringu, maapinnamudeli ja 3D-alusplaani koostamine
dc.title.alternativeDrafting of Topo-Geodetic Survey, Surface Model and 3D Base Plan of Urban Streets
