Päästeameti ja häirekeskuse hoone ehitustööde organiseerimise projekt



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Lõputöös lahendati Päästeameti ja Häirekeskuse hoone ehitustööde organiseerimise projekt, mis on abiks ehitustööde peatöövõtjale tööde korraldamisel. Lõputöös koostati objekti generaalplaan, üldkalenderplaan koos tööjõuvajaduse epüüriga, mahtude koondtabel koos tööjõuvajadusega, tehnoloogiakaardid ja -sõlmed, ehituse organiseerimise maksumuse kalkulatsioon ning tööohutusnõuded ja dokumendid tööde läbiviimiseks. Generaalplaani ning teiste jooniste tegemisel võeti aluseks AS Amhold poolt koostatud arhitektuurne ja konstruktiivne projekt. Generaalplaanile märgiti ehitatav hoone, kraanade liikumistsoonid, transpordi liikumisteed, laoplatsid, olme- ja pesuruumide soojakute asukohad, ehitusplatsi piirid, ohutusildid ja infotahvel, objektile sisse– ja väljapääsu asukohad, ajutised kommunikatsioonid. Arvutustega leiti: ajutise olme- ja majandusvee tarbeks vajalik veetoru läbimõõt, mis on 32x3,0 mm; ajutise peaelektrikilbi kaitsme suurus, milleks on 125A; olmeruumide ning tualettruumide vajadus ja kogused. Majandusosas koostati maksumuse arvutused objekti korralduskulude väljaselgitamiseks ning kalkulatsioon erinevate kraanade kasutamise kohta montaažitöödel. Montaažitööde läbiviimise kohta koostati tehnoloogiakaardid ja -skeemid. Kalkulatsioonide ning tehnoloogiakaartide analüüsi põhjal valiti objekti tõstemasinaks roomikutega 70 T kraana Coles R600. Suuremõõtmeliste talade tõstmisel kasutatakse 160 T autokraanat Terex AC 160-2 ning HTT laepaneelide tõstmiseks 200 T kraanat Liebherr LTM 1200-5.1. Üldkalenderplaani koostamisel kasutati töömahtude ja -mahukuse koondtabelist saadud nimistut. Ehitustööde kestvused ja tööjõu vajadus kalenderplaanis leiti tööde mahtude ja ajanormide järgi arvutatud tööjõukulust. Kalenderplaaniga koos esitati tööjõuvajaduse epüür, millelt on näha töötajate arv objektil. Mahtude koondtabelis leiti lisaks töödele tõstemehhanismide ja töölavade vajadus ning maksumus. Kalenderplaani järgi tuleneb, et tööde algus on 25.11.2013 ning ehitusööde lõpp on 08.08.2014, ehituse kestvus on 175 tööpäeva ehk orienteeruvalt 9 kuud. Tööohutuse alalõigus on kirjeldatud töökaitse- ja tööohutusnõudeid, objektil kohustuslikke dokumente ja isikukaitsevahendeid. Kokkuvõtteks võib öelda, et käesoleva lõputöö eesmärk sai täidetud. Töö koostamine kinnistab varasemaid teadmisi ja aitab rakendada õpitut igapäevases ehitustööde planeerimises, tehnoloogilistes protsessides ning tööohutuses.

The subject of this final paper is organising the construction works of the new building of the Estonian Rescue Board and Alarm Centre. The research objective was to find the financially most favourable solution for the montage works of the main building frame by comparing the choices of three types of cranes and by drawing up a project to help the main contractor in organising the construction works. The topic was chosen due to the author’s wish to employ theoretical knowledge in daily practical work. The project’s location is in Tallinn, at 2 Osmussaare Street in Lasnamäe city district. Three buildings will be built on the plot – the building of the Rescue Board and Alarm Centre; a study tower; and a shed for rescue containers. The objective is to bring the new administrative centre of the Rescue Board and its training and study centre to the same location. Following the initial task, the precise technological charts for the montage works of the building in case of using different types of cranes were drawn up. The explanatory note describes the work scope of the various solutions using montage method technological charts, gives an overview of occupational health and safety issues, and lists the necessary work equipment and tools. Architectural and constructional design compiled by AS Amhold used in this research was taken as basis for the drawings made. Within this project, the general plan, general calendar plan, summary scope table with staff need, technological charts and joints, the calculation for the cost of construction organisation, occupational health and safety requirements, and documents for executing works, were compiled. The site plan compiled by AS Amhold was taken as basis for the general plan. The planned building, the motive and lifting zones of cranes, transport traffic paths, storage sites, construction shelters for on-site offices and washrooms, borders of the construction site, safety signs and information board, site entry and exit points, and temporary communications were marked on the general plan. Calculations were made to find the diameter of the water conduit necessary for the temporary potable and drinking water (32 x 3.0 mm), the size of the temporary main switchboard fuse (125 A), need for office, rest-, and washrooms and the quantities of the same. In drawing up the general calendar plan, the list taken from the summary table of work scopes and volumes was used. The duration of works and the staff need, as set in the calendar plan, was found according to work volume and time norms from the calculated work scope. Together with the summary calendar plan, a staff need graph displaying the number of employees on the site, was submitted. A calendar plan is valuable for the contractor in both planning and executing the works. In addition to the works, the summary scope table included also the need for lifting mechanisms and work cost and stages. According to the calendar plan, the works will last for 17 working days, or approximately nine months. In the financial part, cost calculations for finding site organisation costs were made as well as calculations for determining the cost of montage works by types of cranes in order to assess, which type of crane would mean lowest construction cost. Technological charts and schemes were drawn up about carrying out montage works. Based on the analysis of the calculations and the technological charts, the lifting device chosen for the construction project is 70 T crane Coles R600 with crawler tracks, whereas 160 T terrain crane Terex AC 160-2 shall be used for lifting large-scale joists, and 200 T crane Liebherr LTM 1200-5.1 shall be used for lifting ceiling panels. The occupational health and safety paragraph describes relevant requirements, documents and personal protective equipment required on the site. In conclusion, it can be claimed that the objective set for this thesis was achieved. The compilation of the paper provided a valuable experience in putting studied skills and knowledge into practice and helps to execute daily construction works from the perspectives of constructional, technological and occupational health and safety processes.


