Priimula tee eramu põhiprojekt



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Võttes arvesse projekteerimistingimusi, tellija soove, omavalitsuse määrusi ning krundi eripärasi sai projektis käsitletud hoone lahendatud. Kriitilisteks punktideks oli optimaalse ja funktsionaalse ruumiprogrammi välja töötamine jäädes seejuures tellija soovide ja omavalituse määruste ning tingimuste raamidesse. Põhiliseks murekohaks peale arhitektuursete jooniste välja töötamist sai teise korruse toetamine esimese korruse välisseintele terastalade abil. Töös valiti kõige kriitilisemaks kohaks elutoa ning köögi kohal oleva üheksa meetrise sildega terastala. Antud terastalale teostati tugevuse, stabiilsuse ning jäikuse kontroll. Lisaks kontrolliti terastala toetumist müüritisele. Kuna terastala üks ots toetus müüritisele ning teine ots köögiakna kohal olevale aknasillusele sai töös ka antud aknasillus dimensioneeritud ning arvutatud. Lisaks teostati kontroll aknasilluse tugevusele, jäikusele ning stabiilsusele. Samuti kontrolliti ka aknasilluse toetumist müüritisele. Töös väljatoodud arvutuste järeldustest nähtub, et terastalad suudavad oma ülesannet täita ning tugevustingimused on täidetud. Toesõlmede kontrollis leiti järeldus, et tuleb kasutada raudbetoonist toepatja müüritise ja terastala vahel, kuna mõlema tala puhul mõjuvad otse müüritisele liiga suured koormused, mida müüritis ei suuda üksi vastu võtta.

Main Project of Private House on Priimula tee The topic of this thesis was chosen due to the practical need to build a new detached house on Priimula tee, as the old existing building is outdated and renovation would be too complicated and time-consuming. The design is based on design conditions under number 2211802/06059, issued by the Tallinn Urban Planning Department. The thesis consists mainly of three parts. The first part identifies and designs a suitable architectural solution for the building in the form of graphic drawings. The second part includes an explanatory memorandum, and the third part includes strength calculations for the main load-bearing structures of the building. Taking into account the design conditions, the client’s wishes, the municipal regulations, and the particularities of the plot, a solution was found for the building covered in the project. Critical points were the development of an optimal and functional spatial plan, while remaining within the wishes of the client and the regulations and conditions of the local government. The main concern, after developing the architectural drawings, was how to support the second floor on the ground floor exterior walls with the aid of steel beams. The most critical part of the work was the steel beam with a nine-metre bridge over the living room and kitchen. Strength, stability, and stiffness tests were carried out on this steel beam. In addition, the support of the steel beam on the masonry was checked. Since one end of the steel beam rested on the masonry and the other end on the window sill above the kitchen window, the window sill was also dimensioned and calculated. In addition, the strength, stiffness, and stability of the window sill were checked. The support of the window sill on the masonry was also checked. From the conclusions of the calculations presented in the paper, it can be seen that the steel beams are able to perform their function and the strength conditions have been met. A check of the support nodes concluded that a reinforced concrete support beam should be used between the masonry and the steel beam, as both beams are subjected to excessive loads directly on the masonry which the masonry alone cannot support.



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