Jaama tänav 8 ehitustööde organiseerimine

dc.contributor.advisorAnneli, Ramjalg
dc.contributor.authorRaja, Madis
dc.description.abstractKäesoleva lõputöö ülesandeks oli lahendada Jaama tn 8 ehitustööde organiseerimise projekt, mille võib lugeda täidetuks. Seletuskirjas on antud rajatava hoone arhitektuurse ja konstruktiivse lahendi kohta piisav ülevaade ning koostatud on ehitustööde lühike kirjeldus Ehitusplatsi üldplaani koostamisel on välja toodud planeeritav soojakute paiknemine, tõstemehhanismide paiknemine, ajutised teed ja platsid, objekti ressurssidega varustamine ning materjalide ladustamisala. Lisaks on tehtud peamised ressursside arvutused. Määratud on ehitusaegne veevajadus ning vastavalt sellele dimensioneeritud ajutine veetorustik. Lõputöö majandusosas on koostatud ehitustööde mahutabel koos tööde maksumustega ning määranud töölisbrigaadide koosseisud ja tööde kestused. Tabeli alusel on koostatud kalendergraafik tööjõuvajadusega. Lõputöö raames on autor lahendanud kaks tehnoloogiakaarti, mis hõlmavad 2. korruse trepielemendi ja vahelae montaažitöid ning katuse- ja fassaaditöid. Kõnealuseid tööprotsesse on detailselt kirjeldatud ning loetletud on tööde kvaliteedinõuded. Käesoleva lõputöö koostamine oli autori jaoks täies ulatuses akadeemiline ning autor ei ole vaadeldava ehitusobjektiga muul viisil seotud. Sellest hoolimata andis lõputöö koostamine autorile uusi teoreetilisi teadmisi ning aitas mõista ehituse organiseerimise projekti koostamise tegelikku vajalikkust.et
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this final paper was to draft a comprehensive management plan of the works related to the construction of Jaama 8 residential building consisting of nine apartments and two commercial premises. For this purpose the author analyses and provides solutions for the methods and techniques used at the specific building site. The paper is based on both the architectural as well as constructional project. In this paper the author gives an overview of the structural specifications and technical characteristics of the residential building. In addition, the author describes the architectural solution and characterises the main constructional elements of the building. A short description is given of all the stages of the construction process from the preparation works to the actual handover of the completed object. A separate chapter is devoted to the construction site layout planning. In this chapter the logic of such planning is described. It provides a detailed overview of the planned location of heated shelters, the location of lifting mechanisms, the organisation of temporary access roads and areas, the provision of resources to the site and the location of material storage area. The chapter is supported by a drawing in the graphic part of the paper. In this chapter the author also presents the calculations of the main resources. The water requirement at the construction site is determined and temporary plumbing is dimensioned. Additionally, the site’s power requirements are determined by calculating the maximum electricity consumption needs of the construction period on the basis of the work schedule. In the economic part of the paper the author presents a construction work volume table together with the indication of costs. The same table also contains the number of construction workers and the duration of different works. The cost and duration of construction works are calculated by employing the unit prices and time norms elaborated by Eke Nora OÜ. Following this method the net cost of the construction works is budgeted at 864849,9 euros. The table has also provided a basis for preparation of the work schedule presented in the graphic part of the paper. One of the most substantial and important parts of the final paper was the drawing up of the technology cards for the 2nd floor staircase element and ceiling slab assembly as well as the roofing and facade works. The explanatory text includes a detailed description of the related work processes and enlists the quality requirements. The preparation of the technology cards revealed parameters on the basis of which necessary lifting mechanisms were chosen for the construction works to be carried out. The explanatory part of the technology cards is supported by the drawings in the graphic part. The present paper is fully academic by nature and the author is not in any other way connected with the discussed building. Nevertheless, the writing of this paper has given the author new theoretical knowledge and has helped him better understand the real need for the preparation of a construction management project.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationConstruction--Building Construction--Construction--Organization of constructionen
dc.subject.classificationEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Ehitamine--Ehituse organiseerimineet
dc.subject.otherHoonete ehituset
dc.subject.otherBuilding Constructionen
dc.titleJaama tänav 8 ehitustööde organiseerimine
dc.title.alternativeThe Organisation of Construction Works at Jaama 8
