Äripindadega korterelamu ehitustööde organiseerimine

dc.contributor.advisorAlt, Aivars
dc.contributor.authorKoll, Karina
dc.description.abstractLõputöö eesmärgiks oli koostada büroo- ja eluhoone ehitustööde organiseerimise projekt. Hoone koosneb kahest parkla korrusest, ühest äripindadega ja kuuest korteritega korrusest ning asub ajaloolises piirkonnas. Ehitustöödega alustati 9.märtsil 2020 ja tööde kestus on 17 kuud. Töö koostamiseks kasutati lähteandmetena arhitektuurset ja konstruktiivset projekti, tehnosüsteemide kirjeldamiseks kasutati küte ja ventilatsiooni, veevarustuse ja kanalisatsiooni ning elektripaigaldise projektid. Täpsem ülevaade oli antud süvendi kaevamise ja montaažitööde tehnoloogiatest. Tehnoloogiakaartides kirjeldati tööjõu, masinate ja mehhanismide vajadust, tööde mahud ja järjekord. Tähtsaks osaks ka tööde tööohutuse tagamine ja kvaliteedi kontroll. EKE NORA baasi ühikhindade ja ajanormide alusel oli koostatud ehituse eelarve ning kalendergraafik. Objekti kogumaksumuseks on 4 264 862,03 €, millest 9,4% on ehitusplatsi organiseerimiskulud. Töö koostamine andis autorile teadmisi süvendi tugevdamise osas ja üldiselt ehitustöödest maapinna nullist sügavamal. Montaažitööde tehnoloogiakaardi koostamine andis aurotile teadmisi elementide paigaldamise järjekordadest ja kiirusest.et
dc.description.abstractThe goal of this thesis was to prepare a design for organising the construction works of the office and residential building. The building consists of two parking floors, one floor of business premises, and six floors of apartments and is located in a historical area. The construction works were started on 9 March 2020 and will last for 17 months. The initial data for the thesis were the building’s architectural and constructional design parts; the technical systems were described on the basis of the design parts for heating and ventilation, for water supply and sewage systems, and for the electrical installation. A more detailed overview was provided about the technologies of excavating the building’s pit and of assembly works. Technology maps were used to describe the need for labour force, machines and mechanisms, as well as the volumes and the sequence of the relevant works. An important part of organising the works is the ensuring of work safety and quality assurance. A calendar plan indicates all the main works, their durations and work team members. The thesis included preparing a general plan of the of the construction works, indicating the locations of lifting mechanisms, worker cabins, storage yards, trash containers, surveillance cameras, and gates, while also indicating the movement paths of machines and the work zone of the crane. EKE NORA base unit prices and time rates were used to prepare the budget and the calendar plan of the construction works. The total cost of the constructions is € 4,264,862.03, of which 9.4% are the organisation costs at the construction site. The preparation of the thesis provided its author with knowledge about the reinforcement of pits and with general knowledge about construction works below the zero level of the ground. The preparation of the technology map for the assembly works provided the author with knowledge about the sequences and speeds of installing pre-cast elements.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationConstruction--Building Construction--Construction--Organization of constructionen
dc.subject.classificationEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Ehitamine--Ehituse organiseerimineet
dc.subject.otherHoonete ehituset
dc.subject.otherBuilding Constructionen
dc.titleÄripindadega korterelamu ehitustööde organiseerimine
dc.title.alternativeOrganising Construction Works of an Apartment Building with Commercial Premises
