Äri- ja eluhoone ehituse organiseerimine

dc.contributor.advisorAlt, Aivars
dc.contributor.authorBrand, Sandra
dc.description.abstractLõputöö eesmärgiks oli lahendada Tatari 16 äri- ja eluhoone ehituse organiseerimist. Töö koostamise käigus valmis detailne ehituseelarve, mille loomise protsessis võimaldati maksimaalselt tutvuda uusehitise projektdokumentatsiooniga ning ette kujutada ehitustehnoloogia võimalikke lahendusi. Detailsemalt toodi välja ehituse organiseerimisele minevaid kulusid. Valminud detaileelarve baasil koostati koondkalendergraafik. Ehitusplatsi planeerimiseks koostati graafiline üldplaan lähtudes kõikidest läbiviivatest tööetappidest. Ehituse kogumaksumuseks on 1 252 623 € käibemaksuta, millest ehituse organiseerimisele planeeritavad kulud moodustavad 126 011 € ehk 10,06%. Ehitustööde periood on 11 kuud, alates detsembrist 2020 kuni novembrini 2021. Lõputöö koostamisel loodi kaks tehnoloogiakaarti 0–tsükli ja 1. korruse kandvate seinte töödele. Tehnoloogiakaartide koostamise aluseks oli teostatavate tööde läbiviimise tehnoloogiate läbi mõtlemine koos ettekujutamisega ning tööde loogilise järjekorra loomine. Läbi selle tekitati detailsemad töö- ja ajamahtude tabelid ning eraldi kalendergraafikud. Täiendavalt koostati tööjõu-, masinate- ja materjalide vajaduse graafikud. Käesoleva lõputöö koostamiseks tuli autoril palju mõelda kõikide tööde realiseerimise võimalikele tehnoloogiatele ning suhtlema tööalade spetsialistidega. Antud lõputöö andis suures mahus uusi teoreetilisi teadmisi mulla- ja betoonitöödest ning tehnosüsteemide rajamisest, sest töö autor ei omanud praktilisi kogemusi eelnevalt nimetatud töötsüklitest. Töö koostamise käigus arendas autor ka planeerimisoskusi.et
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this thesis is to organise the construction works at Tatari 16. The designed new building is a commercial and residential building with four floors above ground, where the share of the commercial premises in the enclosed gross area of the building is 75%. The commercial and residential building will be attached to an adjacent building of 4 floors situated on the property at Tatari 18. The thesis consists of two sections, an explanatory note and graphical materials. The explanatory note provides a brief overview of the location and condition of the building site prior to the construction works, the geotechnical conditions, technical communications and transport conditions. The architectural and constructive concept of the new building and the general solution of the special parts are described in depth. An overview is also given of the planning logic of the building site and the water and electricity demand are calculated. A budgetary table is prepared to plan the cash flow and to reach the offer price. The costs of organising the construction activity are set out separately in the explanatory note. In accordance with the budgetary table, a consolidated schedule is prepared. The most voluminous and detailed section of the thesis includes technology maps. In this thesis, two technology maps are prepared. The first technology map is the zero cycle of construction works, which describes in detail the works to be performed in the above-mentioned stage, the materials and the machines used. The zero cycle includes the construction of the pile foundation, excavations of recess, construction of the elevator shaft, formation of the grillwork and construction works of the subfloor with the base layers. The technical systems to be built in the same cycle are additionally described. The second technology map is the construction works of the load-bearing walls on the 1st floor. The chapter describes the technology of construction of monolithic concrete and concrete block walls, the materials and machines used. In addition to technology maps, occupational safety and quality requirements for works are set out, and separate tables of work and time volumes and graphical section are created. Separate schedules are created in accordance with the tables of work and time volumes. The total value of the construction is €1,252,623 + VAT, of which the planned costs for organising the construction represent €126,011 or 10.06%. Pursuant to the completed consolidated schedule, the construction period is 11 months, from December 2020 to November 2021. 76 In order to prepare this thesis, the author had to consider various possible technologies to complete all the works and consult with experts in the fields. This thesis provided a large amount of new theoretical knowledge about soil and concrete works and the construction of technical systems, because the author did not have practical experience of the aforementioned work cycles. During the preparation of the thesis, the author also developed planning skills.et
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkoolet
dc.subjectTTK Subject Categories::Ehitus::Hoonete ehitus::Hoonete ehitus ja kavandamineet
dc.subject.otherHoonete ehituset
dc.titleÄri- ja eluhoone ehituse organiseerimineet
dc.title.alternativeOrganising the Construction of Commercial and Residential Buildinget
