Äripindadega korterelamu ehituse organiseerimine

dc.contributor.advisorTamm, Jüri
dc.contributor.authorAsson, Janar
dc.description.abstractKäesoleva lõputöö eesmärgiks oli lahendada äripindadega korterelamu ehituse organiseerimise plaan. Hoone kompleksi moodustavad tornid, mida ühendab kaks ühist maapealset korrust ning üks maa-alune parklakorrus. Töö käigus koostas autor ehituseelarve, kasutades projektis olevaid töömahte ja -liike. Ehitustööde kogumaksumuseks kujunes 19 305 998 eurot, millele lisandub käibemaks 20%. Kõige kallimaks tööde liigiks on ruumitarindid ja pinnakatted, mis moodustavad 28,14% kogu eelarvest. Hoone neto ruutmeetri maksumuseks on 1 410 eurot. Eelarve koostamise käigus leiti tööajanormide järgi ehitustööde kestvused ja brigaadi suurused. Neid kasutades on koostatud kalendergraafik. Plaanil on näidatud tööde kestvused ja seosed teiste tööliikidega. Ehitustööde algus oli 01.08.2022 ning lõpp kalendergraafiku kohaselt 14.06.2024. Maksimaalselt töötab ehitusobjektil samaaegselt 87 töölist. Lõputööga koostati ehitusplatsi üldplaan, kus on näidatud ehitusplatsi paiknemine, soojakute paiknemine, ajutised elektriliinid ning veevarustus trassid. Elektrienergia vajaduse arvutuste kohaselt paigaldatakse objektile 200 A kaitsmega peajaotuskilp. Veevajadus arvutuste kohaselt paigaldatakse objektile 32 mm läbimõõduga PE-100 veejaotustoru. Lisaks on plaanil näidatud laoplatsid, liikumisteed ning kauba mahalaadimisala. Kuna hoone kandekonstruktsioonid moodustavad raudbetoonelemendid ning paigaldus toimub ratastelt, on ehitusobjekt varustatud tornkraanaga. Tornkraanaks on valitud Comansa 2100 seeria kraana 21LC450, mille tööraadius on 60 meetrit. Ehitusplatsi üldplaanil on näidatud tornkraana paiknemine, tema tööraadiused ja ohutsoonid. Organiseerimisplaani juurde kuulus antud töös kaks tehnoloogiakaarti. Esimesena käsitleti raudbetoonelementide montaaži ning näitena on toodud kuuenda korruse elemendid. Esmalt kirjeldati erinevaid montaažitöid, seejärel kalkuleeritakse töömahtude järgi ajakulu ning leiti töödeks vajalikud masinad ja tööriistad. Terve korruse elementide paigaldamiseks kulub neljaliikmelisel brigaadil neli tööpäeva. Teine tehnoloogiakaart selgitas katusetöid. Esmalt kirjeldati töid, mida teostatakse ning seejärel leiti töömahtude järgi ajakulu. Ajakulule lisaks leiti töödeks vajalikud tööriistad ja masinad. Katuse töödeks kulub neljaliikmelisel brigaadil 21 tööpäeva. Tehnoloogilised kaardid, ehitusplatsi üldplaan ja kalendergraafik on toodud töö lõpus graafilises osas.
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this thesis was to prepare a plan for the organisation of construction works of an apartment building with commercial premises. The building to be built is located in the city block between Mustamäe, Linnu and Vesipapi streets in Kristiine, Tallinn. The building complex comprises an eight-storey tower block and a thirteen-storey tower block connected by two shared above-ground floors and one underground car park. Commercial premises are located on the first two floors, while the remaining floors are designated as residential premises. In the economic section, the author was tasked with outlining how the cost of the building was calculated and, on that basis, the total cost of constructing the building was determined to be 19,305,998 euros, plus VAT of 20%. The most expensive type of work is the construction of room structures and coatings, which make up 28.14% of the total budget. The net cost per square metre of the building is 1,410 euros. The author then prepared a calendar schedule that specifies the works to be carried out, their inter-linkages and the labour costs associated with each type of work. The construction works commenced on 1 August 2022 and are expected to be completed on 14 June 2024, according to the calendar schedule. The maximum number of workers simultaneously working on the construction site is 87. As part of the thesis, a master plan of the construction site was drawn up, indicating the layout of the construction site, the locations of portable cabins, temporary power lines and water mains. The traffic management plan, loading area, storage areas and danger zones all form key parts of the construction site master plan. The planning of the construction site also involved calculating the main fuse rating for construction as well as the diameter of the water distribution pipe. Given that lifting work is carried out with a Comansa 2100 series 21LC450 tower crane with a reach of 60 metres, the fuse size of the main switchboard was determined to be 200 A. After calculations, a diameter of 32 mm was chosen for the water distribution pipe. Two technology maps were prepared as part of the thesis. The first technology map concerns the assembly of reinforced concrete elements, with the elements of the sixth floor given as an example. First, different assembly works were described, followed by a calculation of the time required based on the volume of work and a determination of the machinery and tools necessary for carrying out the work. It takes four working days for a four-member team to install the elements of an entire floor. The second technology map described roofing works. The works to be carried out were described first and then the time required for said works was calculated based on the volume of work. In addition to calculating the time required for works, the tools and machinery necessary for carrying out the works were also determined. It takes 21 working days for a four-member team to complete the roofing works. The technology maps, master plan of the construction site and the calendar schedule are presented in the graphic section of the thesis. In the final section of the thesis, the author describes how the contracting method was chosen and how the main occupational and fire safety and environmental protection requirements are implemented on site.
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.otherHoonete ehitus
dc.titleÄripindadega korterelamu ehituse organiseerimine
dc.title.alternativeOrganisation of Construction Works of an Apartment Building with Commercial Premises
