Sidetrassi geodeetiline teenindamine

dc.contributor.advisorRanne, Raivo
dc.contributor.authorVapper, Janar
dc.description.abstractAutor annab ülevaate sidekaabli geodeetilistest töödest objektil, Toila - Narva-Jõesuu – Narva. Objekti pikkuseks on 34,605 km. Töö alguses tutvustab autor geodeetilisi instrumente, mida töös kasutati ja lisanud juurde millistel töödel vastavat seadet kasutati. Kasutusel oli väliarvuti Trimble TSC3, elektrontahhümeeter Trimble S5, vastuvõtja GNSS Trimble R8 M3, Kaabliotsija 3M Dynatel 2220M ja Droon Multirootor DJI Phantom 4 RTK. Töö on kirjeldatud eraldi mahamärkimis töid ja teostusmõõdistamist. Autor tutvustab, kuidas toimus mahamärkimine ja mis seadmeid selleks kasutati, mis nõudeid peab järgima. Teostusmõõdistamisel tutvustab autor, mida tuleb teha, et saaks trassi mõõdistama hakata ja milliseid punkte on vaja mõõta, et joonestaja saaks koostada teostusjoonise ja kooskõlastada valmis joonise. Autor tutvustab, millised on ohutus nõuded töö tegemisel ja mis millised on tellijapoolsed nõuded töö tegemisel nende
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this graduation thesis Geodetic Works of Communication Cable. It took place in Toila - Narva-Jõesuu – Narva. This object was selected, because author worked on it and surveyed the work ethic. The length of the object was 34,605 km In the beginning author is describing instruments what were used in this work and describes the instrument and how were they used. Author used Trimble TSC3, Trimble S5, GNSS Trimble R8 M3, 3M Dynatel 2220M ja Multirootor DJI Phantom 4 RTK. The work was divided in two marking and surveying. Author introduces, how the marking was conducted and that instruments were used in that stage, what requirements were needed to follow. In surveying author introduces what is needed to be done, that author can start surveying and what points are necessary, so that draftsman can put the points into one file. Author introduces safety requirements that needed to be followed and follow employers demands for working in their property. In last part author is talking about
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkoolet
dc.subjectTTK Subject Categories::Ehitus::Rakendusgeodeesia::Geodeesiaet
dc.titleSidetrassi geodeetiline teenindamineet
dc.title.alternativeGeodetic works of communication cableet
