Lasteaia ehitustööde organiseerimine



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Lõputöö ülesandeks püstitati lasteaiahoone ehitustööde organiseerimise projekti koostamine hoone arhitektuursete ja konstruktiivsete tööprojektide alusel. Ülesande lahendamisel koostati ülevaade arhitektuursetest ning konstruktiivsetest lahendustest. Lõputöö majandusosas koostati ülevaade hoone maksumusest koondeelarve kujul ning toodi välja erinevate ehitus etappide osakaalud kogumaksumusest. Hoone ehituseks koostati kõik ehitustöid sisaldav koondkalendergraafik koos põhitöögruppide lühikirjeldustega. Ehitusobjekti kohta koostati töö raames platsi generaalplaan ning segitati platsi eripära ning planeerimisloogikat. Koonkalenderplaanis arvestatud töötajate ja seadmete maksimaalse üheaegse kasutuse aja järgi koostati ressursside vajaduse arvutused ning saadi vajaliku veevarustuse ja elektrienergia vajaduse väärtused. Töö raames koostati kaks tehnoloogilist kaarti. Esimeseks tehnoloogiakaardiks koostati müüritööde tehnoloogia kaart, mis hoomab kogu hoone müüritööde teostamise plaani ja tehnoloogiat. Teine tehnoloogiakaart koostati montaažitööde kohta, mis on ühtlasi ka kõige mahukam töö etapp hoone rajamisel. Lisaks kirjeldati hoone ehitusel kehtivat töövõtumeetodit ning tööde kvaliteedi- ja ohutuse tagamise plaani. Hoone kogumaksumuseks leiti detaileelarve põhjal ilma käibemaksuta 7 444 039,57 €, millest ehituse organiseerimiskulud moodustasid 321 909,58 €. Lõputöö tulemusena lahendati ehituse organiseerimise projekt kahe korruselisele lasteaiahoonele. Töö koostamine andis autorile väärtuslike teadmisi nii ehituse organiseerimise ja juhtimise kui ka tööde teostamise tehnoloogia kohta. Tööd koostades omandatud teadmised ja kogemused tulevad kindlasti kasuks tulevikus ehitustööde planeerimisel ning objektijuhi rollis.

The topic of the graduation thesis is organization of the construction of a kindergarten. The objective of the prepared graduation thesis is organization and planning of all construction activities of the building. The two-story building will be constructed in Tallinn, Nõmme district, Kraavi Street. Building designs, operational design documentation, and related design documentation of the building have been used for the preparation of the thesis. In the first part of the graduation thesis, the author provides an overview of the construction requirements of the building, and describes the architectural and constructive solutions. Also, an overview is provided of the technical systems of the building. In the economic part of the thesis, the cost of the building is presented in the form of a consolidated budget, which has been prepared based on the detailed budget of the kindergarten building. In the next part of the thesis, a consolidated calendar schedule has been prepared based on the work volumes included in the budget of the economic part, covering all construction activities of the building. Construction tasks and their descriptions are also added in the consolidated calendar schedule of the thesis. In the part of the general plan of the construction site, the author has described general logic of the planning of the construction site, prepared general plan of the object, and performed calculations of temporary power and water need. Two technology maps have been created during the preparation of the graduation thesis. The first one is the technology map of masonry works of the entire building, and the second one is the technology map of assembly works. The technology maps include an explanatory letter and the graphic part. In the part of the contracting method, the author explains the contracting method used for performing the construction work. The last chapter includes the work safety and quality assurance plan valid for the period of construction. The construction activities started in the middle of July, 2023 and will be completed at the end of August, 2024, after which the process of applying for the permit for use will commence. The cost of the kindergarten building to be constructed is 7 444 039,57 Euros (without VAT), of which 321 909,58 Euros are spent on organizing the construction. Preparation of the graduation thesis provided to the author a detailed overview of the organization of construction of a kindergarten building and various related issues.41 Furthermore, the experience gained from the preparation of the thesis will certainly be useful in the future when organizing the upcoming sites.



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