Luha tn 18 ja 20 elamu-büroohoone ehituse organiseerimine



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Käesoleva lõputöö eesmärgiks oli Luha tänav 18 ja 20 elamu-büroohoone ehituse organiseerimine. Kirjeldatud on ehitise arhitektuurset ja konstruktiivset lahendust ning kasutatavaid tehnosüsteeme. Lahenduste kirjeldamisel on aluseks võetud Project O2 OÜ poolt koostatud arhitektuurne põhiprojekt ning Engineer Project OÜ poolt koostatud konstruktiivne põhiprojekt. Eelarve koostamisel on autor kasutanud konsultandi nõuandeid ning EKE-NORA ühikhindasid. Täpsemalt on autor tehnoloogiakaartides kirjeldanud maa-aluste monoliitsest raudbetoonist konstruktsioonide ehitamist ning 1. korruse montaaži. Mõlemate tööliikide kohta on koostatud seletuskirja toetavad joonised ning kalendergraafikud. Hoone kogumaksumuseks kujunes 5 627 164,07 €. Lõputöös on välja toodud ehituse organiseerimise maksumus. Organiseerimiskuludeks kujunes 319 531,20 €, mis moodustab 5,7% ehituse kogumaksumusest. Lõputöös on koostatud ehituse üldine kalendergraafik, mille kohaselt on ehituse kestvuseks 315 tööpäeva. Ajanormide leidmiseks on kasutatud konsultantide nõuandeid ning autori kogemusi.

The purpose of this thesis is to organise the construction of an office/residential building at 18/20 Luha Street. The architectural design document drafted by Project O2 OÜ and the structural design document drafted by Engineer Project were used as the basis for the thesis. The author starts by describing the source data and engineering geological conditions. The architectural and structural solutions of the building are explained and the utility systems to be used are described in the paper. A budget is drawn up in the financial part of the thesis, based on the advice of a consultant and the unit prices of the company. According to the budget, the cost of construction comes to € 5 627 164,07. The organisational costs of construction, which come to € 319 531,20 and constitute 5,7% of the total cost, are presented in a separate chapter. In order to facilitate construction and prevent anything unexpected from occurring, a general plan of the construction site is provided. The general plan shows the heated personal cabins, containers, work sites and the locations of work and fire safety equipment. The schedule specifies the duration of different kinds of works and the machinery and workers needed to perform them. According to the schedule, the duration of construction comes to 315 business days. Since the works are dependent on one another, it is crucial that they are performed according to schedule. The author compiles process charts which describe in more detail the construction of underground reinforced concrete structures and the assembly of the ground floor. The specifications of the process charts are supported by charts and schedules. Most of the new knowledge gained by the author in writing the thesis was on the subjects described in the process charts. Since the author is linked to the object under construction, the thesis will help to better organise future works.


