Dirhami sadamahoone projektlahendus



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Käesoleva Dirhami sadamahoone projektlahenduse teoreetiliseks baasiks on lõputöö autori poolt kirjutatud essee, mis arutleb arhitektuuri suhestumist veepiiriga. Sellest tuleb välja, et põhjus miks hooneid rajatakse veekogu äärde tuleneb kultuurist ja koha identiteedist. Dirhamil on veekogu ligidal elamise kultuur olemas, sest tegu on Rannarootsi alaga. Uurides teisi Eestis olevaid väike- ja jahisadamaid ning nende sadamate pakutavaid teenuseid, arvestades Dirhami mastaapi, piirdub Dirhami sadamahoone põhiliselt majutuse ja toitlustuse teenustega. Sellest tulenevalt moodustavad sadamahoone restoran ja majutus hoone põhimahu. Kümne numbritoaga majutus, ligi 100-kohaline restoran ja ligi 100-kohaline konverentsisaal on tõenäoliselt piisav, et Dirhami oleks täisväärtuslik mereturismi peatumiskoht. Dirhami on ajalooliselt ja kultuuriliselt kalandusega seotud väikesadam. Sellest tulenevalt on Dirhami sadamhoone inspiratsiooni allikaks kaluripaat. Selline lahendus aitab hoida alles Dirhami koha identiteeti ega ole sobimatu kohalikku arhitektuursesse keskkonda. Dirhami sadama lahenduseks on paigutada sadamahoone koos promenaadiga läänekai ja sissesõidumaantee kõrvale jättes ülejäänud sadama koos remonditöökojaga valvatavaks sadama territooriumiks.

The topic of this thesis is the design solution of the port building of Dirhami. The port of Dirhami is a north-western port of Estonia and the Baltic Sea, which operates as a hunting, fishing and cargo port. Dirhami is a developing port where today there is a production and maintenance base for small boats, a port office, a fish café, a guest house (200m away) and an east quay under construction. The Enterprise Estonia (EAS) supports the development of small ports (including Dirhami) with the aim of developing maritime tourism. The Project of Port Building of Dirhami is to offer an iconic architectural solution that helps to attract visitors to Dirhami with its special features in order to become part of the maritime culture. In order to achieve this, two factors must be taken into account: The port of Dirhami and the village of Dirhami. In the case of the port of Dirhami, a layout solution needs to be found in which the public space and the guarded port area are united port and there are no accessibility problems. The architectural environment of the village of Dirhami is traditional Rannarootsis architecture, so the architecture of the port building should not be too foreign for the local architecture. Looking other yachts harbors in Estonia and the services offered by these ports, considering the scale of Dirhami, the Dirhamis port building is mainly limited to accommodation and restaurant. The restaurant and accommodation of the port building are the main volume of the building. Accommodation with ten rooms, a restaurant with almost 100 seats and a conference hall with almost 100 seats is probably enough to make Dirhami a fullfledged stop for maritime tourism. Dirham is historically and culturally associated with fishing. The source of inspiration for the Dirhamis port building is a fishing boat. Such solution helps to preserve the identity of the Dirhami and it is not unsuitable for the local architectural`s environment. The solution for the port of Dirham is to place the port building with the promenade next to the west quay and the entrance road, leaving the rest of the port with the repair shop as a guarded port territory.


