Seitsme üksikelamu ehitustööde organiseerimine

dc.contributor.advisorPeetrimägi, Lauri
dc.contributor.authorŠipovski, Vitali
dc.description.abstractSelles lõputöös oli vaja koostada seitsme üksikelamu ehituse organiseerimis projekt, mis asub Vanamõisa külas, Saue vallas, Harju maakonnas. Projekti algusel oli kirjeldatud objekti algandmed. Lühidalt antud ülevaade tehnosüsteemist, konstruktiivsest arhitektuursest lahendusest. Oli koostatud eelarve kus detailsed oli välja toodut mahud, ajanormid ja otse- ja üldkulud. Oli koostatud ehitustööde kalendergraafik. Ehitusplatsi üldplaani koostamisel olid näidatud tõstemehhanismide, olmesoojakute, ladustamise kohad. Oli arvestatud objekti elektri- ja veevajadus. Olid koostatud kaks tehnoloogiakaarti, kus on kirjeldatut detailselt tööde järjekord ja tehnoloogia. Kirjeldati kvaliteedi ja tööohutuse nõuded, tööde tegemiseks vajalikud tööriistad. Graafilisises osas toodi välja töökestvuse aeg mahud ja brigaadi kooseis. Kõige lõpus kirjeldatud kuidas tagada objektil töö- ja tuleohutus normid. Antud töös oli koostatud neli graafilist joonist. Ühe maja ehitamisel selgus et omahind ilma käibemaksu ja ettevõtte kasumita on 2 239 109 eurot, millest ehitusplatsi korralduskulud ja üldkulud on 257 416 euro, mis moodustavad sellest summast 11,4%. Ehitus algab esialgselt augustis. Lõputöö tegemise ajal on käimas hange esimese seitsme maja kohta. Varesemalt töökogemus samal valdkondades aitas autoril üle vaadata eelnev tööoskus ja mõista milliseid teadmisi ja oskusi on vaja veel rakendada, et tulevikus saada parem tulemus ehitustööde planeerimisel ja organiseerimisel.
dc.description.abstractThe topic chosen for the present diploma thesis is the organization of construction works. The data from the architectural project created by the design bureau Gelikoid OU is used for writing the diploma thesis. It is planned to construct a residential area which will include fifteen private two-storey houses and a kindergarten. The architectural solutions are specified and construction conditions are described in the present thesis as well as the scope of work is calculated, on the basis of which an estimate of the construction project is prepared. Afterwards, calculations on the costs of 1 meter of construction are made from these data, and also the amount for the organization of construction is calculated . A schedule of construction works is drawn up and time standards spent on the main stages of construction works are indicated, based on the author's previous experience in the construction of this type of buildings. The amount of workforce to carry out these types of works is specified. The data of technical values of soil and geological survey are given. A general construction plan is drawn up for better organization of construction works and the logic of planning construction works is shown. The general plan contains the boundary of the fenced construction site, gates for entry and exit of vehicles, location of construction cars, storage of construction materials, temporary roads, location of lifting mechanisms and their sectors of operation. The locations of water cranes and electrical panels are indicated. Two flow sheets are drawn up, describing the sequence of works, indicating what mechanisms are required to carry out these works, describing the amount of time and resources spent . In addition, the thesis describes the requirements for safety and quality of labor. The buildings are designed with a monolithic slab foundation. Bearing walls are built on the basis of lightweight expanded clay blocks FIB0-3. For intermediate ceiling ceilings 265 mm hollow core panels were used. The facade of the building is insulated with 250 mm thick polystyrene foam and covered with mineral plaster. According to the estimate for construction, the cost of construction works for one private house is estimated at 2 239 109 EUR excluding value added tax, of which the cost of organizing construction activities is 257 416 EUR. The construction will tentatively start in August. At the time of the thesis, a tender for the first seven houses is being conducted.
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subjectEhitus::Hoonete ehitus::Ehitamine::Ehituse organiseerimine
dc.subject.otherHoonete ehitus
dc.titleSeitsme üksikelamu ehitustööde organiseerimine
dc.title.alternativeOrganization of Constructions Works at an Apartment Building
