Filmi kvartal

dc.contributor.advisorKünnapu, Vilen
dc.contributor.authorIlves, Sindy
dc.description.abstractEestisse ei ole senini rajatud kõrgkvaliteediga fimistuudiote kompleksi, mille eesmärgiks oleks teenindada nii kodumaiseid reklaami- ja filmitootjaid kui ka pakkuda teenust välismaistele filmiproduktsiooni firmadele. Käesolev lõputöö, mis käsitleb hetkel Eestis puuduvat kõrgkvaliteediga filmistuudiote kompleksi rajamist, kus aastaringselt saaks filmida nii kodumaine tootja kui ka välismaised filmiproduktsiooni firmad. Eesti produktsioonifirmad ja teised teenusepakkujad on kõrge kvaliteediga ning mõistliku hinnatasemega, kuid on pidanud loobuma välismaiste klientide teenindamisest stuudiovõimekuse puuduse tõttu. [2] Seega meelitaks sellelaadne kompleks siia rohkem filmi- ja reklaamitegijaid võõrsilt ja kohalikud teenusepakkujad saaksid rakendada oma häid ideid kõrgekvaliteedilistes tingimustes. Antud lõputöö pakub välja nii filmistuudiote kompleksi lahenduse kui ka valitud asukoha planeeringu. Projekti koosseisus on kajastatud, filmistuudiote kompleksi, mille hoone ruumiprogramm on funktsionaalselt läbi lahendatud. Asukoha valikust tulenevalt on privaatsema filmikompleksi kõrvale projekteeritud avalikkasutusega struktuurid, et siduda asukoht ümbritseva linnaruumiga ja mõjuda ümbruskonnas kui ka kaugema distantsina atraktiivse sihtkohana. Hoonete struktuuride kujunemisel on võetud arvesse ümbritsevat keskkonda nii mahulise kui ka kasutusotstarbe kohaselt. Ajalooliselt on antud koha otstarve olnud kütuse mahutite hoidla, mille ajalooline kuju ja maht on olnud referentsiks pargis olevatele hoonetel. Lisaks planeeringu ala ümbritsevale hoonestusele ja struktuuridele on võetud ka planeeringu kujunemisel arvesse projekteeritud ja lähitulevikus loodavat Reidi teed kui ka teisele poole Reidi teed planeeritud
dc.description.abstractIn the given diploma thesis the topic of the project has been selected to fulfill the missing high-quality movie studio complex in Estonia. There is a need for a greater and collective movie studios as the past few years have shown that the production of movies in Estonia has gone up. Even so because there is a curiosity about it from abroad. In the given final thesis the location of the project has been chosen to be in Tallinn to integrate the form and function with the city. Because of the new technology the film production needs less space and can be easily located inside Tallinn. One important indicator for the location was that near to the site there is Baltic Film, Media, Arts and Communication School. It is the school where the majority not to say the only figures of the future filmmakers are taught their specialty. The given location that is situated in the beginning of Kadriorg has good transportation connections. It is located between the streets of Pikksilma and Petrooleumi. The lastly named street got the name after its historical use as a storage place for fuel tanks. Another aspect that had to be considered with was the soon to be built Reidi street that will run next to the seaside and will divide the location from the port and waterfront. The architecture design of the project is taking into account of the neighboring sites and functions. The housing has been kept with low rise except the hotel that is located next to Reidi street. The film production part is with functional room program. The room program for the post-production part is integrated with the park area. On the ground floor there are rooms for businesses and cafes that will run down from Reidi street with the pathway to end with the cinema and public spaces and offices. The park area has been created to offer an attractive destination for citizens which is surrounded with apartment buildings that will create a frontline to neighboring sites from north and east. The round planning of the fuel tanks have been taken as a reference to create spaces with public functions in the middle of the park.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.otherApplied Architectureen
dc.titleFilmi kvartal
dc.title.alternativeFilm quarter
