3D-printeriga lasteauto korpuse loomine

dc.contributor.advisorAndrei, Rudz
dc.contributor.authorAbel, Jaagup
dc.description.abstractKäesoleva lõputöö eesmärk oli uue lasteauto mudeli välja töötamine ja korpuse 3D-printimine. Lisaks universaalse konstruktsiooni loomine, mis võimaldaks autot edasi arendada ja sobitada tulevikus erinevatele loodavatele korpustele. Lõputöö eesmärk saavutati. Projekti läbiviimiseks kasutati 3Dprintimise tehnoloogiat uue korpuse loomiseks. Vana lasteauto korpus vajas väljavahetamist, mistõttu autor lõi uue mudeli ja kasutas Mazda RX-7 mudelit inspiratsioonina. 3D-printimiseks kasutati FDM-printerit ENDER 6 ja PLA-filamentmaterjali, mis on populaarsed töövahendid prototüüpide loomisel. Kõige mahukamaks osutus projekteerimisprotsess, mis algas 3D-mudeli loomisest. Seejärel prinditi uue mudeli detailid ning töödeldi neid. Muuhulgas ehitati lasteautole uus konstruktsioon, mis on tulevikus universaalne põhi teiste lasteauto mudelite korpustele. Selles projektis valis autor modelleerida Mazda RX-7 Rocket Bunny komplektiga mudeli. Mudeli loomiseks kasutati olemasolevat 3D-mudelit, mida modifitseeriti vastavalt autori seatud eesmärgile. 3D-mudeli loomiseks kasutati SketchUp programmi. Mudeli modifitseerimisprotsessis kohandati mudeli suurus lasteautole kohaselt, sobitati lapse kuju autosse ja jaotati detailideks, mida oli võimalik printida ENDER 6 printeris. Printimise käigus ilmes probleeme, nagu detailide ümberkukkumine ja kaardumine. Need lahendati, kuid mõjutasid oluliselt projekti ajakava. Detailide ühendamiseks kasutati „tapisüsteemi“ (emase ja isase otsa ühendus), mis samuti loodi projekteerimise osas mudelit modifitseerides. Peale detailide töötlemist sai need ühendada omavahel kiirliimiga. Järeltöötlus hõlmas endas peale detailide kokku liimimist veel pahteldamist, lihvimist ja värvimist. Auto konstruktsioon koosnes kahest raamist: I raam ja II raam. Mõlemad raamid olid valmistatud anodeeritud alumiiniumist nelikanttorudest. I raamil tekkisid mõned probleemid, nagu läbipaine ja madal kliirens, mistõttu autor otsustas ehitada II raami, mis oli paremini konstrueeritud. Lõputöö esitamise ajaks valmis 3D-prinditud ja järeltöödeldud korpuse põhiosa, konstruktsioon ja muud väiksemad 3D-mudeli detailid, nagu tuled, armatuur, küljepeeglid ja kinnitusdetailid. Käesolev projekt on oluline, sest selline modelleerimine võimaldab luua ka teistel tudengitel suuri projekte piiratud vahenditega. Autor õppis, et kuigi modifitseerimisprotsessis on mudel loodud õigesti, tuleb arvestada võimelike printimisvigadega ning suure ajakuluga, mis hiljem kulub 47 järeltöötlusele. Lõputöö autor sai teadmisi ja õpetlikke kogemusi nii 3D-printimise tehnoloogiatest ja materjalidest kui ka 3D-kujundi modelleerimisest ja modifitseerimisest.
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this thesis was to develop a new children's car model and 3D print the body. In addition, the creation of a universal structure that would allow the car to be further developed and adapted to different bodies created in the future. The aim of the thesis was achieved. To carry out the project, 3D printing technology was used to create a new body. The body of the old children's car needed to be replaced, so the author created a new model and used the Mazda RX-7 model as inspiration. FDM printer ENDER 6 and PLA filament material, which are popular tools for prototyping, were used for 3D printing. The design process, which started with the creation of a 3D model, turned out to be the most timeconsuming. Then the details of the new model were printed and processed. Among other things, a new structure was built for the children's car, which will be a universal basis for other children's car model bodies to be created in the future. In this project, the author chose to model the Mazda RX-7 with the Rocket Bunny kit. An existing 3D model was used to create the new model, which was modified according to the purpose set by the author. The SketchUp program was used to create the 3D model. In the modification process of the model, the size of the new model was adjusted according to the children's car, the child's shape was adapted to the car, and the model was divided into details that could be printed on the ENDER 6 printer. During printing, there were problems such as parts falling over and warping. These were resolved but had a significant impact on the project schedule. The "pin system" (mortise and tenon joint) was used to connect the details, which was also created by modifying the model in terms of design. After processing the parts, they could be connected with instant glue. After gluing the parts together, postprocessing included puttying, sanding, and painting. The car construction consisted of two frames: I frame and II frame. Both frames were made of anodized aluminium square tubes. I frame developed some problems such as deflection and low ground clearance, so the author decided to build a II frame, which was better constructed. By the time the thesis was submitted, the main part of the 3D-printed and post-processed body, the structure and other smaller 3D model details such as lights, armature, side mirrors and fasteners had been completed. 49 This project is important because this kind of modelling allows other students to create large projects with limited resources. The author learned that although the model is created correctly in the modification process, possible printing errors and the large amount of time spent on post-processing must be considered. The author of the thesis gained knowledge and learning experiences about 3D printing technologies and materials as well as 3D shape modelling and modification.
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subjectArhitektuur::Rakendusarhitektuur::3D programmid
dc.subject.otherTootmine ja tootmiskorraldus
dc.title3D-printeriga lasteauto korpuse loomine
dc.title.alternativeBuilding a Childen's Car Body with a 3D Printer
