Kortermaja rekonstrueerimistööde organiseerimine

dc.contributor.advisorKoort, Kristjan
dc.contributor.authorSepplaan, Rauno
dc.description.abstractAntud lõputöö keskendus Pärnu mnt 133, Tallinn kortermaja rekonstrueerimisele. Töö hõlmas ülevaadet hoone arhitektuurilistest ja konstruktiivsetest lahendustest ning tehnosüsteemidest. Majandusosas koostati eelarve, mis näitas ehitustööde maksumust ilma käibemaksuta. Töö majandusosas leiti, et kogu ehituse maksumus antud objektil on 959 560,83€ ning ehitusplatsi korralduskulud ja üldkulud moodustavad kogu eelarvest 5 protsenti. Ehitustegevus algas ettevalmistustöödega 11.03.2024 ja on planeeritud lõppema 13.09.2024Kalendergraafikus määrati tööde ajalised kestused koos tööjõu vajadusega põhinedes isiklikele kogemustele. Ehitusplatsi skeemil näidati materjalide ladustamise kohad ja liikumissuunad ning soojakute ja prügikonteinerite asukohad. Tehnoloogiakaartidel kirjeldati seinapaneelide montaaži ja katusetööde tehnoloogiat ning vajalikke seadmeid ning tööohutuseeskirju. Seletuskiri toetub graafilistele joonistele. Töö lõpus anti ülevaade töövõtumeetodist ja tööohutuseeskirjadest. Lõputöö koostamine võimaldas autoril mõista tööde omavahelisi seoseid ning paremini planeerida ehitustegevust. Lisaks sai ta praktilise kogemuse objektil osaledes ning õppis uusi oskusi ehitustööde paremaks korraldamiseks.
dc.description.abstractThe subject of this graduation thesis is the organization of the reconstruction works of an apartment building located along Pärnu Road in Tallinn. It is a four-story silicate brick apartment building with 32 apartments built in the sixties. During the reconstruction works, the building is insulated from the outside with factory-made wall panels, which significantly shortens the time spent on the site. In addition to the insulation of the building, the old roofing will be replaced, forced ventilation will be installed in the building, and a new heat unit with radiators will be installed. As part of the graduation thesis, the work to be carried out on the given construction site was described, a calendar schedule was drawn up and the labor requirement based on this. A general plan of the construction site was drawn up, which shows the locations of storage areas, movement routes and the location of heating tanks and containers. Also, the size of the main fuse was calculated based on the electricity consumption needed for the construction work, and the diameter of the water pipeline needed based on the water consumption. Technology map I gives an overview of the assembly of factory-made wall panels and the accompanying need for work platforms and lifting equipment. Occupational safety related to assembly work has also been explained. A graphic drawing is prepared to support the explanatory letter. The second technology map gives a comprehensive overview of the execution of roofing works on the given object. The working principles are explained, the main needs of materials and fasteners are calculated. The quality requirements related to roofing work are described and an overview of the occupational safety regulations followed during the execution of the work is given. In the economic part, costs were calculated by cost type and their percentage ratio to the entire budget. Compiling the graduation thesis allowed the author to understand the interrelationships of the works and better plan construction activities. In addition, the author gained practical experience by participating in the site and learned new skills for better organization of construction works.
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subjectEhitus::Hoonete ehitus::Ehitamine::Ehituse organiseerimine
dc.subject.otherHoonete ehitus
dc.titleKortermaja rekonstrueerimistööde organiseerimine
dc.title.alternativeOrganizing the Reconstruction of the Apartment Building
