Elva veekeskus
dc.contributor.advisor | Tammik, Toivo | |
dc.contributor.author | Griffel, Anett | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2021-03-17T11:57:13Z | |
dc.date.available | 2021-03-17T11:57:13Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2020 | |
dc.description.abstract | Käesoleva arhitektuurse projekti raames projekteeriti Elva kesklinna, Arbi järve äärde veekeskus. Projekteerimisel arvestati Elva linnale iseloomuliku looduslähedase elukeskkonnaga. Eesmärgiks oli linnaruumi muutmine kompaktsemaks ja Kesk tänava sidumine Arbi järve äärse alaga. Autori ideeks oli kasutada keskväljaku potentsiaali, projekteerides Elva veekeskuse keskväljakult alguse saava promenaadi lõppu. Autor sai projekteerimiseks inspiratsiooni Kanadas St.Lawrence jõe kaldal asuvast spaahoonest, aga ka Otepää külje all asuvast Pühajärve spaa hoonest. Need hooned olid heaks eeskujuks maapinna kasutuseks ja basseini projekteerimiseks hoone teisele korrusele. Lisaks inspireeris töö autorit Oslo ooperimaja oma sujuvalt tõusvate kaldpindadega. Projekti lõplik idee ja kontseptsioon ei erinenud oluliselt algsest ideedest. Samas muudeti hoone projekteerimise käigus mitmeid kordi selle kuju ja kasutamisviise. Elva veekeskus on projekteeritud lihtsa ristkülikukujulise vormiga. Hoonele annab vormi kaldega katus. Pikliku põhiplaaniga hoone on asetatud krundile ida-lääne suunaliselt. Hoone kandvateks osadeks on raudbetoon konstruktsioonid ning liimpuidust post-tala süsteem. | et |
dc.description.abstract | The objective of the thesis was to design a water center near Arbi lake in downtown Elva. In developing the design, Elva's close-to-nature environment was taken into consideration. The project was designed to change the urban area space more compact and to tie Kesk street with the area surrounding Arbi lake. The author's idea was to use the potential of the central square by designing Elva water center at the end of the promenade which runs from the central square. The author was inspired by a Canadian spa on the banks of St. Lawrence river and Pühajärve spa near Otepää, Estonia. These buildings were good examples of taking natural landscape into the consideration and constructing a pool on the second floor of the facility. In addition, the author was inspired by the Oslo Opera House and its smoothly rising walls. The project's final concept does not differ much from the original idea, although in the process of designing the facility, some shapes and some purposes of the facility were changed. Elva Water Center is designed in a simple rectangular form. The building's form is shaped by a sloping roof. Building with an elongated ground plan is placed on the plot in an east-west direction. The bearing parts of the building are reinforced concrete structures and glulam post and beam systems. | en |
dc.identifier.uri | https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/2894 | |
dc.language | et | |
dc.publisher | Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool | |
dc.subject.classification | Architecture--Applied Architecture--Architectural Design | en |
dc.subject.classification | Arhitektuur--Rakendusarhitektuur--Arhitektuurne projekteerimine | et |
dc.subject.other | Rakendusarhitektuur | et |
dc.subject.other | Applied Architecture | en |
dc.title | Elva veekeskus | |
dc.title.alternative | Elva water center | |
dc.type | thesis | en |
dc.type | lõputöö | et |