Hoone geodeetiline teenindamine

dc.contributor.advisorUueküla, Katrin
dc.contributor.authorLeets, Ranet
dc.description.abstractKäesoleva lõputööga on antud ülevaade Tallinnas Lossi plats 1a aadressil oleva Toompea lossi mõõdistamisest, nii mõõdistusvõrgu rajamisest kui ka selle punktipilve mõõdistamisest. Töö tellijaks oli Riigikogu Kantselei ja töö peatöövõtjaks oli DataCap OÜ. 3D-punktipilve mõõdistamisega alustati 2020 aasta novembri kuus. Mõõdistamise planeerimine algas enne seda. Esimesena mõõdistati hoone fassaad. Kui hoone oli väljast mõõdetud, alustati mõõdistustega hoone seest. Hoone sisemuse mõõdistamisega alustati keldri korrusest ja pööningust, edasi mõõdistati ära korrused, kus oli inimeste liikumist vähem. Seejärel liiguti hoone sees erinevate korruste ja ruumide kaupa kuni mõõdistati ära kõik korrused. Töö tellimuseks oli 3D-punktipilv, mis oleks riiklikus koordinaat- ja kõrgussüsteemis. Selle jaoks rajati hoone ümber ja hoonesse sisse mõõdistusvõrk. Mõõdistusvõrgu rajamine käis kahel erineval päeval, kus ühel päeval rajati mõõdistusvõrk hoone ümber ja mõõdeti droonimõõdistuse jaoks kasutatud tähised. Droonimõõdistus telliti DataCap OÜ poolt alltöövõtuna Archaeovision OÜ. Teisel päeval rajati mõõdistusvõrk hoonesse sisse ja mõõdeti ära 3D-punktipilve jaoks kasutatud tähised. Punktipilv seoti kasutades Leica Cyclone programmi, mis on punktipilve sidumiseks kasutatav tarkvara. Punktipilve seoti jooksvalt samal ajal kui toimusid mõõdistamised, üks geodeet tegeles mõõdistamisega ja teine tegeles andmetöötlusega. Mõõdistatud alad olid geodeedil ära märgitud kliendi poolt saadud joonistel. Sellele oli ära märgitud mõõdistamise number ja laserskanneri töökaust. See võimaldas tegeleda sama aegselt andmetöötlusega ja mõõdistamisega. Mõõdistamisega objektil lõpetati 2020. detsembris. Punktipilve lõpptulemus sai valmis 2021 aasta alguses. Punktipilv saadeti edasi nii kliendile, kes töö tellis, kui 3D-mudeldajatele, kes teevad hoonest punktipilve põhjal 3D-mudeli. Ka 3D-mudeli töö peatöövõtjaks oli DataCap OÜ. 3D-mudel telliti hoone haldamiseks ja tulevikus planeeritava renoveerimise jaoks. 3D-mudel annab renoveerimise planeerimisel arhitektidele ülevaate hoone seisust ja aitab planeerida hoone renoveerimist. Lõputöö autorina soovin tänada DataCap OÜ, Riigikogu Kantselei ja Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkooli juhendajat Katrin Uueküla, kes oli suureks abiks töö koostamisel. Eraldi tänab töö autor Simo Paatsi, kes oli abiks nõuannetega töö koostamisel.et
dc.description.abstractThe topic of this dissertation is "Geodetic surveying of a building". The Chancellery of the Riigikogu, which was the main customer of the work, ordered a colored point cloud from DataCap OÜ, which would use the national coordinate and elevation system and represent a 3D model of the entire building. The 3D model was ordered for building management purposes and for future renovations. The 3D model gives architects an overview of the condition of the building when planning a renovation. The object was Toompea Castle, which is located at Lossi plats 1a, Tallinn. The Leica RTC360 laser scanner, Leica Viva TS12 electronic tachometer and DJI Mavic 2 Pro drone were used. The drone surveying was subcontracted by Archaeovision OÜ. Drone surveying was used to obtain information on roof surfaces. The 3D point cloud surveying began in November 2020, but planning of the surveying began before then. The facade of the building was measured first. After surveying the outside of the building, surveying began inside the building. Surveying the interior of the building started from the basement floor and attic, then moved on to surveying other floors of the building and the offices located there. In order to ensure the customer's wish that the building has to be in the national coordinate and elevation system, a surveying network was also built around the building and inside the building. The surveying network was based on polygonometry points on the Falgi road. Signs and stickers were placed around and inside the building based on the points of the surveying network, so that it would be possible to orient the instruments and move the point clouds to the correct location. The surveyed point clouds were interconnected using the Leica Cyclone program, which is a software meant for the work in question. The point clouds were connected to the survey at the same time, one surveyor was engaged in the survey and the other was engaged in data processing. The surveyed areas were marked by the surveyor in the drawings received by the client, where the survey number and the working folder of the laser scanner were marked. The surveying of the object was completed in December 2020. The final result of the point cloud was completed in the beginning of 2021. The point cloud was forwarded to the client who ordered the work, as well as to the 3D modelers who will make a 3D model of the building based on the point cloud.38 The ordered 3D point cloud was handed over to the customer by the agreed deadline. At the moment of drafting the dissertation, the creation of a 3D model of the building is still underway. As the author of the dissertation, I would like to thank DataCap OÜ, the Chancellery of the Riigikogu, and Katrin Uueküla, the dissertation supervisor at Tallinn University of Technology, who was a great help in putting the work together. The author of the dissertation would also like to give a special thank you to Simo Paatsi, whose advice was helpful during the drafting the work.et
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkoolet
dc.subjectTTK Subject Categories::Ehitus::Rakendusgeodeesia::Geodeesiaet
dc.titleHoone geodeetiline teenindamineet
dc.title.alternativeGeodetic Servicing of a Buildinget
