Pärnu Õlletehase Kunstikvartal

dc.contributor.advisorKadarik, Ott, Mihkel Tüür
dc.contributor.authorRandväli, Rain Robert
dc.description.abstractKäesolev projekt on Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkooli Arhitektuuriinstituudi rakendusarhitektuuri eriala diplomitöö, mille ülesandeks on Pärnusse uue Kunstikvartali planeerimine. Planeeritav ala hõlmab Pärnu Kesklinnas asuvat Õlletehase kinnistut ning seda ümbritsevat avalikku linnaruumi. Projekti eesmärgiks on luua linnaelanikele Kunstikvartal, sealjuures taaskasutada vana hoonestus. Väljapakutud lahendus annab Pärnu linnale kauaoodatud kultuuri- ja kunstikvartali. Planeeringus on arvestatud inimeste liikumise ning heakorraga. Vana punase tellisega hoone väärtustamine ja säilitamine lisab muidu suhteliselt puidusele rajoonile vaheldust ja säilitab Pärnule omast suure hulga punase tellise kasutust vanades ehitistes nagu näiteks Port Artur, Bristol, Aida tänava soolalaod, vanad Waldhofi vabrikumajad. Töös on välja pakutud kunstikooli funktsionaalne lahendus, kaasaegsele kunstile muuseum, ürituste hoone, pruulikoda ning loodud ka avaraid elamispindu. Väga oluliseks pidas autor huvitava hästi funktsioneeriva keskkonna loomist ja ka linnaruumi vaheldusrikkuse toomist. Pakutav lahendus võtab arvesse nii asukohast tingitud eripärasid, kui ka Uue Kunsti Muuseumi, Ürituste hoone ja Kunstikooli ruumiprogrammi. Maastikuliselt ja planeeringuliselt on töö tihedalt seotud jõe ning planeeritava kolmanda sillaga.et
dc.description.abstractThis planning project is a Bachelor's diploma thesis in the field of applied architecture, the Institute of Architecture in Tallinn University of Applied Sciences. Following urban planning includes Pärnu Old Brewery Factory re-usage and the area study with connection to the city center. Planning includes the analysis and spatial solution of the old 1,6-hectare brewery site and the surrounding 2,4-hectare greenery including 3,6-hectare planning on the Pärnu river. The diploma thesis is entitled "Pärnu Brewery Art Quarter". The dissertation consists of an urban planning analysis, through which the corresponding intervention in different places has been made. Historical research and case studies of various examples have also been dealt with, where the dimensions of well-functioning quarters in Estonia and the basic space program of buildings have been taken as an example. The construction of the new Art Museum and Art School is based on the spatial programs of the architectural competition. In this diploma thesis, the conceptual design, composition and space distribution of the surrounding land and river area is located at the address of Suur-Jõe Street 10/12 in the city of Pärnu. The art quarter intertwines one with the current city center, the new planned large strait of Pärnu, the third bridge and the valued riverside residential quarter, connecting light traffic roads with the existing riverside health trail and green areas. The dissertation offers a solution on how to make the Pärnu River attractive to both city residents and tourists. The plan concentrates on education, art, handicrafts, creative and hobby activities, as well as health sports in one of the most beautiful places in the city of Pärnu, in the center by the Pärnu river. The author preserves all the growing tall greenery, creates more green space and leaves the views with pleasing eyes. An art school, art halls, atriums and galleries, modern studio apartments and more modest studios are planned for the new quarter. Artists, teachers, craft brewers, shopkeepers and people serving the café and pub would find jobs in the quarter. Through research and spatial observation, author assumes that just such solution for this area would be expected by every Pärnu city resident and every person visiting Pärnu. Little Pärnu can become big and visible to the whole world through art. In this work, the author proceeds from all the requirements of the dissertation set by Tallinn University of Applied sciences.et
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkoolet
dc.titlePärnu Õlletehase Kunstikvartalet
dc.title.alternativePärnu Brewery Art Quarter "BAQ"et
