Kopli eakate korterelamu ja huvikeskus

dc.contributor.advisorTammik, Toivo
dc.contributor.authorAssmann, Marie
dc.description.abstractKopli liinide kõrvale on toodud uuenduslik mitmekülgse funktsiooniga eakate korterelamu ja huvikeskus. Eakate korterid on toodud keskkonda, kus neil on võimalus ise hakkama saada ja olla sotsiaalne. Korterelamu on ühendatud esimese korrusega, mille kaudu on elanikel hoones lihtne liikuda huvikeskusesse, terviseabisse, restorani, apteeki, spordiruumi kui ka erinevatesse äri ruumidesse. Hoone arhitektuurse ruumiprogrammiga on loodud aktiivsed võimalused nii seeniorieas elanike omavaheliseks läbi käimiseks kui ka huviringi külastajatega suhtlemiseks. Huviring meelitab alale erinevas vanuses inimesi. Kinnistu kõrval paiknev park ja esimese korruse katusele rajatav eakate elanike ühine aed annab korteritele lisaväärtust. Restoranist ja katuseterrassilt avanevad põnevad vaated pargile, katuseaiast ka merele. Katuselt avanevad merevaated tänu Kopli liinide hoonestussammu kopeerimisega antud hoone teisele ja kolmandale korrusele. Viilkatusega teise ja kolmanda korruse mahud sulandavad muidu üsna suuremahulise hoone miljööväärtuslikku piirkonda.
dc.description.abstractAn innovative apartment building for the elderly with multiple functions and an interest center have been brought next to Kopli Lines. Apartments for the elderly are brought into an environment where they have the opportunity to manage on their own and be social. The apartment building is connected to the first floor, through which residents in the building have easy access to recreation center, health care, a restaurant, a pharmacy, a sports room, and various business premises. With the building's architectural space program, activities have been created both for senior residents to interact with each other and for communication with visitors of the recreation center. The hobby attracts people of different ages to the area. The park next to the property and the common garden on the first floor for the elderly residents, which will be built on the roof of the first floor, give the apartments added value. The restaurant and roof terrace offer exciting views of the park, and the sea from the roof garden. Sea views open up from the roof thanks to the copying of the building step of the Kopli Lines houses to the second and third floors of the building. The volumes of the second and third floors with pitched roofs blend into the environmentally valuable area of the otherwise rather large-scale building.
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.titleKopli eakate korterelamu ja huvikeskus
dc.title.alternativeKopli Senior Apartment Building and Recreation Center
