Kultuurikatla B-korpuse monoliitbetoon ja katusekonstruktsioonide rekonstrueerimistööd
dc.contributor.advisor | Ramjalg, Anneli | |
dc.contributor.author | Hüüs, Madis | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2021-03-17T09:13:13Z | |
dc.date.available | 2021-03-17T09:13:13Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2014 | |
dc.description.abstract | Käesoleva lõputöö eesmärgiks oli lahendada betoonitööde tehnoloogiakaart, katuse montaažitööde tehnoloogiakaart ja ehitusplatsi generaalplaan. Hoone ehitusmaksumuse ja ajanormide hindamiseks on kasutatud EKE NORA andmebaasi ja konsultantidelt saadud andmeid. Koostatud on hoone B-korpuse ehitustööde mahutabel ja eelarveline maksumus, milleks kujunes 2571776 eurot. Lisaks on välja toodud ehituse organiseerimise maksumus, mis on 366315 eurot. Ajagraafiku koostamisel on lähtutud erinevate tööliikide seostest ning ressursivajaduse omavahelise tasakaalu põhimõtetest. Töös välja toodud keerukamate tõstetööde skeemid ja tõstevahendite valikud on täpselt dimensioneeritud vastavalt olemasolevale olukorrale, saavutamaks ehitusmasinate rendilt võimalikult suurt säästu. Betoonitööde raketiseplaanide abil on võimalik raketise ehitamist oluliselt kiirendada, lisaks on abiks ka spetsifikatsioonid, mis kindlustavad selle, et kõik vajalikud detailid oleks operatiivselt olemas. Planeerimise tulemusena on saadud kogu ehitusprotsessi kestuseks 222 tööpäeva ja maksimaalseks tööliste arvuks ehitusobjektil 59. Antud lõputööd saab kasutada Kultuurikatla objektitööde korraldamisel. Lõputöö autor on töö koostamisel saanud kogemusi kogu projekti süstemaatilisel läbitöötamisel ning ühtlasi saanud selge ettekujutuse kogu ehitusprotsessi olemusest ehituse algfaasist lõppfaasini. | et |
dc.description.abstract | The objective of the current thesis has been to organize the construction works of the building Kultuurikatel, which is located at 27A Põhja Avenue in Tallinn. In the course of compiling the thesis, an architectural and constructive work project has been used, which has been made in collaboration of Kavakava PLC and Neoprojekt PLC. In addition, the author of the thesis has used EKE NORA database for different working periods and costs as well as the data which have been obtained from the experts. The thesis includes the descriptions and installation drafts of the building structures, which significantly simplify the working process and contribute to a normal sequence of work. In the paper, the shuttering elements and sections of the concrete works as well as installation elements of the roof works, including lifting equipment locations, are provided in a detailed description. Also, all lifting equipment have been dimensioned, considering a particular situation in the construction site, and similarly the properties of the elements, by finding the most optimal lifting equipment. The thesis also includes the general plan, which determines the construction site region and size. In the general plan, there are shown the locations and traffic routes for the construction machinery, also other details for conducting the construction activities, such as lighting points, water abstractions, sanitary and household premises, waste containers, storage sites, locations of switchboards and other temporary buildings. The author of the thesis has compiled a capacity chart and an estimated cost of buildings of Block B construction works, which have totalled up in the amount of €2,571,776.-. The present budget includes construction organising costs, which have extended to €366,315.-, whereas all consumable utilities are considered. The organising costs constitute 14,2% of the budgetary cost of the building. The author has compiled a time schedule and a labor diagram, in order to plan the optimal duration of construction works and distribution of labor in the construction site. As a result, the duration of the construction works is planned for 222 working days, whereas the maximum of labor force is estimated for 59 men. In the thesis, there are also described viable methods, which can reduce the costs of construction activities and prevent excessive spending. | en |
dc.identifier.uri | https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/763 | |
dc.language | et | |
dc.publisher | Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool | |
dc.subject.classification | Construction--Building Construction--Construction--Organization of construction | en |
dc.subject.classification | Ehitus--Hoonete ehitus--Ehitamine--Ehituse organiseerimine | et |
dc.subject.other | Hoonete ehitus | et |
dc.subject.other | Building Construction | en |
dc.title | Kultuurikatla B-korpuse monoliitbetoon ja katusekonstruktsioonide rekonstrueerimistööd | |
dc.title.alternative | The Reconstruction Works of the Monolithic Concrete and Roof Structures of Block B of the Building Kultuurikatel | |
dc.type | thesis | en |
dc.type | lõputöö | et |