Haapsalu turg

dc.contributor.advisorTamm, Ralf
dc.contributor.authorKoplimaa, Jaana
dc.description.abstractLõputöö ülesandeks on kavandada Haapsalusse uus turg olemasolevale turukrundile. Planeeringuline ideelahendus väärtustab Haapsalu hõngu ja turuplatsi ümbrust ning seob uued hooned orgaaniliselt olemasoleva keskkonnaga, samaaegselt tehes seda mitmekesisemaks ja huvitavamaks. Uue ja huvitava funktsiooniga hoonemahud rikastavad avalikku ruumi ja muudavad piirkonna veel atraktiivsemaks. Hoonete arhitektuurses lahenduses on fassaadidel kasutatud krohvi, mis sulandub ümberoleva hoonestusega kokku, viilkatused annavad hoonele Haapsalule omase hõngu. Hoone liigendamine annab turule mängleva olemuse ning tekitab nii ostlejatele kui ka müüjatele huvitava kogemuse. Turg on mõeldud kasutamiseks nii suvisel kui ka talvisel ajal- välisturul suvel müües kõiki suvesaadusi ning talvel kasutades seda talvelaada pinnana. Rahvale igatsetud turg, saab uue hingamise ja mitmekesise lahenduse.et
dc.description.abstractThis architectural design solution has been prepared as a graduation project at the Faculty of Architectural and Environmental Engineering in University og Applied Sciences. This paper proposes a new market place to existing market place. The aim of this project is to create synergy between old and new architecture and with this project i try to enliven the area in Jaama street and Jüriöö street by adding new functions and activities. Market building solution is suitable for Haapsalu, because haapsalu have its own “soul“. Market building facades are made of white stucco, roof is made of dark brown terne plate, windows and doors are made of dark brown plastik. Gable roof, white stucco, big widows – this is all what suits to these streets. In summer market souk is used inside and outside as big market area. There is 4 different market buildings – in the first building there are fuits and vegetables, in the second building there are fish and meat, in the third building there are clothes and in the fourth building, there are shoes. Outside of the buildings in market souk, there are tables, where people can sell what ever they want and on the side of notheast, there is place for selling trees, bushes and flowers. In the winter the market souk can be used as christmas market outside and inside always the same.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationArchitecture--Applied Architecture--Architectural Designen
dc.subject.classificationArhitektuur--Rakendusarhitektuur--Arhitektuurne projekteerimineet
dc.subject.otherApplied Architectureen
dc.titleHaapsalu turg
dc.title.alternativeHaapsalu Market
