Geodeetiliste tööde analüüs Laada 10/0,4 kV alajaama Vee fiidri rekonstrueerimisel

dc.contributor.advisorUueküla, Katrin
dc.contributor.authorTarto, Mari
dc.description.abstractKäesolevas lõputöös käsitleti geodeetiliste tööde analüüsi Laada 10/0,4 kV alajaama Vee fiidri rekonstrueerimisel. Töö peamiseks eesmärgiks oli anda ülevaade geodeetilistest töödest madalpingekaabli paigaldamisel ja analüüsida Eltel Networks geodeetite poolt tehtud geodeetilisi töid antud objektil. Töö esimeses pooles tutvustati lugejale objekti, mille näitel on lõputöö üles ehitatud. Kirjeldati lähemalt objektil kasutatud geodeetilisi instrumente, nagu Trimble S6 Robotic, Trimble R8 GNSS ja kaablilokaator 3M. Põhjalikumalt anti ülevaade objektil kasutatud mõõdistamismeetoditest. Tutvustati Real Time Kinematic meetodit ja kirjeldati lähemalt Trimble S6 Roboticu orienteerimist integreeritud mõõtmismeetodil. Samuti on esimeses pooles antud ülevaade „Ehitusgeodeetiliste uurimistööde tegemise korra“, Elektrilevi OÜ ja Paide linna nõuetest madalpingekaabli mõõdistamisel ja teostusjoonise vormistamisel. Töö teises pooles kirjeldati mahamärkimiseks vajalike failide (*.csv ja *.dxf) koostamist ja kasutamist objektil. Kirjeldati punktide mahamärkimist elektrontahhümeetri Trimble S6 Roboticuga ja Trimble R8 GNSS-iga. Lõputöö teises pooles käsitleti veel teostusmõõdistuse põhimõtteid nii avatud kaeviku, kui ka kinnise kaeviku korral. Tutvustati ka joonkoodidega mõõdistamise meetodit. Kogu lõputöö vältel analüüsitakse geodeetide töös ette tulnud raskusi ja geodeedi töö korraldust objektil. Konkreetsemalt analüüsiti punktide mahamärkimisel, teostusmõõdistusel ja teostusjoonise vormistamisel ette tulnud probleeme. Paide linnas Laada alajaama Vee fiidri rekonstrueerimise käigus, sai 36 majapidamist uue elektriü
dc.description.abstractThere is an increasing number of low-voltage overhead lines being reconstructed in Estonia. Ordinarily they are replaced by underground cable which is more expensive to install but nevertheless more profitable to maintain. Moreover, its lifetime is longer as properly set cable will last up to 50-60 years. Only human activity could affect the cable, there are no natural environmental factors that could reduce the performance and lifetime of the cable. The subject of this thesis is „Analysing geodetic works in the reconstruction of feeder cable of Vee in Laada 10/0,4 kV substation“. The aim of the thesis is to give an overview on the marking and as-built survey of low voltage cable carried out by Eltel Networks geodesists by using the example of reconstructing the feeder cable in Paide to provide the local people’s electrical system with better quality. In order to achieve the goal, the author analyses working standards of Eltel Networks’ geodetic department and the geodesists’ different tasks during the reconstructing and on a case-by-case basis with the object. It is relevant to note that the author of this thesis was not involved with the object. The first part of the thesis introduces the object and describes the works carried out in detail. It describes more elaborately geodetic instruments that were used in the process, for example Trimble S6 Robotic, Trimble R8 GNSS and cable locator 3M. The author presents a more thorough overview about the survey methods used during the project. The thesis describes more specifically Real Time Kinematic method and integrated survey method with Trimble S6 Robotic. This part also includes introduction of all the legislative rules and regulations that apply to measuring electrical cables and completing the as-built drawing. The second part of thesis is about explaining *.csv and *.dxf files were used. This part also includes a description of all the detailed completed measuring on the object. In addition, the as-built drawing has been analysed. In conclusion it could be noted that improving the Vee feeder cable enabled the 36 households in Paide to get an access to a high-quality electrical supply.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationConstruction--Applied Geodesyen
dc.subject.otherConstruction Geodesyen
dc.titleGeodeetiliste tööde analüüs Laada 10/0,4 kV alajaama Vee fiidri rekonstrueerimisel
dc.title.alternativeAnalysing geodetic works in the reconstruction of feeder cable of Vee in Laada 10/0,4 kV substation
