Kalasadama Kvartal

dc.contributor.advisorTammik, Toivo
dc.contributor.authorNagelmann, Grete Liis
dc.description.abstractTallinna linnal on erakordne ja unikaalne geograafiline positsioon Tallinna lahe kaldal ning selle ala potentsiaal linnaehituslikus tähenduses on väga suur - eriti perspektiivikaks võib lugeda kesklinna kohtumispunkti merega. Antud diplomitööga on esitatud planeeringuettepanek Kalasadama alale, milles on rõhutud funktsionaalsele ja sotsiaalsele mitmekesisusele, luues uute mereäärsete tõmbekeskuste ja liikumisteede keskmesse terviklik elukeskkond. Tervikut on loodud ühendades pargi-, rekreatsioonialade, korrapärase tänavatevõrgu ning ühtse ümbruskonnaga suhestuva hoonestusega. Linnaehituslike dominantide olemasolu planeeringualas tagab kohale omase identiteedi ning aitab kaasa inimeste mälupildi loomisele meeldivast keskkonnast. Uue hoonestuse ja avaliku ruumiga on püütud seda kuvandit täiendada. Ülelinnalise tähtsusega funktsioonid nagu Kalaturg ja Kaasaegse Kunsti Muuseum aitavad tagada ala jätkusuutliku arengut. Luues inimmõõtmelist linnaruumi ning pöörates tähelepanu ühendustele ning avaliku ruumi kvaliteedile linnasüdames kajastub see ka kodanike rahulolus. Linn on täpselt nii terve kui on tema inimesed ning just linnaelanikele on ääretult tähtis defineeritud linnakeskuse ja avaliku ruumi kvaliteet ning kättesaadavus.et
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this graduation thesis is to analyse and offer a planning proposal for Kalasadam area. Before the planning process a proper study was carried out to learn the urban tissue of the district. Tallinn has a unique geographical position in the coast of Baltic Sea and Tallinn Bay. It has great potential to offer prominent public space, especially area where the city centre and sea meet. The planning proposal concept is based on offering social and cultural diversity through creating a new Quarter with recreational spaces. The Quarter functions as a whole through well connected park and leisure areas, organized building placement and street structure. The existing landmarks in the area help to develop the Quarter into well defined and rememberable place. Functions in the area, such as the Fishmarket and Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia proovide the sustainability of the Quarter in the future. Creating a space for people in a sense of human scale and paying attention to the connections in the city reflects in the wellbeing of cities residents. People made cities possible and they make cities efficient, therefore cities should be built for people. The quality of a city is based on it’s residents happiness, which is directly affected by the quality of the urban space a city has to offer. The city will only succeed if it’s residents take use of the urban spaces. Planning proposal for Kalasadam Quarter has designed to create a new Quarter which would have a dialogue between old and new, function as a rich living environment and would connect the idea of city centre with sea.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationArchitecture--Applied Architecture--Town Planning Analysisen
dc.subject.classificationArhitektuur--Rakendusarhitektuur--Linnaehituse analüüset
dc.subject.otherApplied Architectureen
dc.titleKalasadama Kvartal
dc.title.alternativeKalasadam Quarter
