Ehituspoe vahelae projekteerimine



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Käesolevas töös leiti hoone olemasolevast konstruktsioonist ning lume- ja tuulekoormusest tingitud koormused vundamentidele kandepiirseisundis. Koormuste kombineerimisel võeti arvesse, et domineerivaks muutuvkoormuseks on lumekoormus. Arvutused teostati pikisuunas telgedel A ja D ning põiksuunas telgede vahemikus 2 ‒ 7 postide kohta, kuna seal on koormused suurimad. Teljel A asuvale vundamendile tulevaks koormuseks saadi arvutuste kohaselt 553,2 kN. Teljel D asuvale vundamendile tulenevaks koormuseks saadi 417,4 kN. Kuna projekteeritavalt vahelaelt postidele tulev koormus on ligikaudselt võrdne olemasoleva konstruktsiooni koormusega, siis otsustati projekteerida vahelagi kandma eraldiseisvate postide peale, mis seotakse stabiilsuse tagamiseks olemasolevate postidega. Vahelae konstruktsiooni kandvale profiilplekile projekteeriti konstruktiivselt 21 mm vineer. Kandev profiilplekk valiti programmi Ruukki Poimu abil. Plekiks valiti T130M-75L-930. Profiilplekki kandvateks põiktaladeks projekteeriti talad profiiliga HE 450A. Põiktalad toetuvad pikisuunas projekteeritud taladele profiiliga HE 300A. Vahelae raami kandvate postide profiiliks projekteeriti HE 140A. Posti alusplaat projekteeriti paksusega 15 mm. Kuna info olemasolevate vundamentide kohta puudub, siis vahelae raamile vundamente ei projekteeritud. Vundamentide projekteerimiseks on vajalik teostada mõne vundamendi lahti kaevamine ja teha selgeks, millised vundamendid on ehituse ajal paigaldatud. Selle põhjal saab teha edasise otsuse, kas on võimalik olemasolevat vundamenti ära kasutada ja mis moodi on mõistlik raami vundament projekteerida

In this thesis titled Designing of the Partition Ceiling of the Hardware Store, a possible solution is proposed for the construction of the partition ceiling of the construction store located in Valga street 72 in Tõrva. According to the terms of reference provided by the customer, it was foreseen that the maximum working pressure is 7,5 kN/m2 , in the span of 11.54 m there should be no post in the middle of the span and the height of the room should be at least 2.85 m. In the course of the work, it was established that the project which was made during the construction of the building has not been preserved, an inventory of the building has been made. In the present thesis, the weight of the existing structural elements is assessed, the wind and snow loads impacting the roof are found, and on the basis of this the load of the existing structures on the foundations in the load-bearing state is found. In addition, the load-bearing profiled sheet, steel beams and posts are dimensioned and the load on the foundations of the new construction is also calculated. The beams are inspected in the load-bearing state and limit- of-use state, and the posts in the load-bearing state. The partition ceiling is designed in the existing building between the posts. The dimensions of the ceiling are 11.54 × 42.3 m and the height of the floor is 3.46 m. The use of load-bearing elements from glued laminated timber and steel were considered in the approximations, which are not part of the thesis. The steel elements were chosen, as the cross-section height of the glued laminated timber elements would be too big. No foundations are designed in the thesis, because the specification of the existing foundations is unknown. If possible, it would be advisable to use the existing foundations when constructing the partition ceiling. To do this, one should first open the foundation and determine the parameters of the foundation. The partition ceiling is designed on a steel profile structure. The posts are designed longitudinal, with a step of 6 m and in transversal direction with a step of 11.24 m. The posts support the HE300A beams in the longitude direction of frame, and these support the transverse direction HE450A beams with a step of 3 m. The panelling is formed by a load-bearing sheet to which 21 mm plywood is attached.



TTK Subject Categories::Ehitus::Hoonete ehitus::Tarindite projekteerimine
