Laohoone 2.korruse projekteerimine



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Lõputöö eesmärgiks oli projekteerida 1980. aastal kasutusele võetud laohoone keskosale teine korrus juurde. Hetkeolukorras piirneb projekteeritav osa ühelt poolt juba 11,6 m kõrguse hoone osaga, mida nii pikendatakse 20,7 m võrra. Projekteeritava osa esimesel korrusel paiknevad 3,46x2,3 m aknaavad ning 3,72x3,19 m suurused ukseavad. Laol on olemasolevad müürid silikaattellistest, ruum on kaetud 150 mm paksuste õõnespaneelidega. Hoone on mõõdetud autori poolt, sest originaal projekti teadaolevalt ei eksisteeri. Töös on arvutatud lume-, tuule- ja omakaalukoormuseid kandepiirseisundis. Katuse profiilplekiks on valitud Ruuki toode T45-60L-905. Katuseferm on dimensioneeritud uuena. Teise korruse seinte müürikivideks on valitud 240-Columbia õõnesplokk, mis on täisbetoneeritud. Müürile on ettenähtud 200 mm paksune raudbetoonvöö, mis hajutab katusesõrestikelt tulevaid koormuseid. Kontrollitud on arvutuslikult pingeid vöö all ning seina kandevõimet keskmises lõikes (m). Esimese korruse aknavahepostile laskuvaid koormuseid on kontrollitud lõikes (i) ehk kõige kõrgemas 3,72 m kõrguses punktis ning lõikes (m). Kontroll aknavahepostile on töös olulisem kui uksevahepostile kuna aknapost on oma mõõtmetelt väiksem. Uksevaheposti kontroll teostati turvalisuse kaalutlustel samuti. Postide kontrollarvutuste tulemustest on järeldatud, et aknavahepost vajab teise korruse koormuse vastu võtmiseks lisatugevdust, mistõttu on sellele välja arvutatud metallsärk.

Design of the 2nd Floor of a Warehouse The aim of the graduation thesis was to design a second floor in the central part of the warehouse that was put into use in 1980. In the current situation, the part to be designed borders on one side by the part of the building that is already 11.6 m high, which will thus be extended by 20.7 m. On the first floor of the part being designed, there are 3.46x2.3 m window openings and 3.72x3.19 m door openings. The existing walls of the warehouse are made of silicate bricks, and the space is covered with 150 mm thick hollow panels. The building has been measured by the author, as the original design is not known to exist. The snow, wind, and self-weight loads in the bearing limit state have been calculated in the work. Ruuki's product T45-60L-905 has been chosen as the profile sheet for the roof. The roof truss is dimensioned as new. 240-Columbia hollow blocks, which are fully concreted, have been chosen as the masonry stones for the walls of the second floor. A 200 mm thick reinforced concrete belt is provided for the wall, which disperses the loads coming from the roof trusses. The stresses under the belt and the bearing capacity of the wall in the middle section (m) have been checked. Loads falling on the first-floor window lintel have been checked in section (i), i.e., the highest point at a height of 3.72 m, and in section (m). Checking the window jamb is more important than the door jamb because the window jamb is smaller in size. The door jamb was checked for security reasons as well. From the results of the post-control calculations, it has been concluded that the window lintel needs additional reinforcement to receive the load of the second floor, which is why a metal jacket was calculated for it.



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