Büroo- ja laohoone ehituse organiseerimine

dc.contributor.advisorAlt, Aivars
dc.contributor.authorRästas, Ragnar
dc.description.abstractKoostatud lõputöö ülesanne oli valmistada ehituse organiseerimise projekt ligikaudu 25 000 m² netopinnaga büroo- ja laohoonele. Töö käigus sai kirjeldatud hoone asukoht, krundi geoloogilisi tingimusi, ehitise arhitektuurset ja konstruktiivseid lahendusi. Lõputöös on välja toodud hoone eelarve ja ehituseks vajaminevad tõstemehhanismid. Lisaks on koostatud ehitusplatsi üldplaan ja arvutatud välja ajutise veetrassi toru ning vastavalt elektri tarbimisele vajalik peakaitse suurus. Majandusosas on väljatoodud hoone koondeelarve ning eraldi on välja toodud ehituse organiseerimise maksumus. Hoone kogu maksumus koos ettevõtte kasumiga, kuid ilma käibemaksuta on 23 800 000 eurot, millest 937 302 eurot kulub ehituse organiseerimisele ehk 3,9% kogu maksumusest. Hoone netopinna ruutmeetri hinnaks ilma käibemaksuta on 954 eurot. Lõputöö koostamisel valmistati kokku 4 graafilist joonist: koondkalendergraafik, ehitusplatsi üldplaan, büroo osa raudbetoonelementidest seinte montaaži ja lao betoonpõrandate tehnoloogiakaart. Tehnoloogiakaartide sisus on kirjeldatud tööde ettevalmistustest, vajalike tööbrigaadide suurustest ja kasutatavatest tõstemehhanismidest. Ehitustöödega alustati 15. detsembril 2021 aastal ning planeeritud hoone üleandmine tellijale toimub 30. juunil 2023 ehk kokku 391 päeva. Kalendergraafikust on näha, et maksimaalne tööliste arv objektil on augustikuu kahel viimasel nädalal. Sellel perioodil kujuneb tööliste arvuks objektil 132. Kuid kogu ehitustööde ajal keskmiseks tööliste arvuks objektil nädala kohta on 56 töölist. Ehitusplatsi üldplaani osas on kirjeldatud kogu ehitusplatsi planeerimisloogikast ja leiti vajalikud tõstemehhanismid töödeks. Peamiselt tehakse objektil tõstetöid mobiilse autokraanaga ja roomikkraanaga. Väga palju kasutust saab tõstukauto ja teleskooplaadur. Üldplaanil on välja toodud kuus tõstepositsiooni koos ohutsoonidega nii autokraanale kui ka roomikkraanale. Lisaks dimensioneeriti ajutise veetrassi veetoru, milleks on PE100, mõõtudega 40×3,7 mm. Toru surveklassiks on PN6 ja standardmõõtude suhteks SDR11. Kuna tegu on suure objektiga, siis on ka elektritarbimine väga suur. Selleks, et ajutine elektrivajadus ehitustööde ajal oleks muretult tagatud on vaja 3×225 A peakaitset. Antud lõputöö kirjutamine andis autorile palju kogemusi juurde ehituse organiseerimisest ja tehnoloogiakaartide koostamises eriti nii suure objekti puhul. Koostamisega saadud kogemused tulevad kindlasti tulevikus kasuks järgmiste objektide organiseerimisel.
dc.description.abstractThe title of the graduation thesis is "Organization of the Construction of an Office and Warehouse Building." The site is located in the "Gate Tallinn" built-up area with detailed planning, where an office and warehouse building with a closed net area of approximately 25,000 m² is planned. The plot is located in Harju County, Saue municipality, Laagri township, Kaupmehe Street. Building designs, operational design documentation, and design documentation of various special parts have been used in the preparation of the final thesis. The building organization project provides an overview of the plot and describes the architectural and constructive parts and the spatial solution of the building. In the economic part, the author has presented the consolidated budget of the site. According to the economic part, a consolidated calendar plan is prepared with brief descriptions of work tasks, and a calendar schedule is compiled in the thesis. The general plan of the construction site and the lifting mechanisms are described below. In addition, the diameter of the water pipe needed for the temporary water line and the power needed for the main fuse of the temporary electrical panel have been calculated. The calculation is based on the relevant standards, regulations, and the number of workers at the site. During the preparation of the thesis, two technology maps were created, one of which describes the assembly work of reinforced concrete elements and the other the work of concrete floors. In the technology maps, the preparatory work necessary for the execution of the respective works is indicated, the execution of the work is described, and two graphic drawings are prepared. Finally, the author describes the construction contracting method and explains the way of ensuring the environmental protection, work, and fire safety of the construction works. The building consists of three parts: a large warehouse part, a small warehouse part, and an office part. The large warehouse part has one story, while the small warehouse and office part is a two-story building. Logistically, all parts of the building are interconnected. The facade of the building mainly consists of three-layer sandwich-type panels of both reinforced concrete and steel. The total cost of the building, including the company's profit, but without VAT, is 23,800,000 euros, of which 937,302 euros or 3.9% of the total cost are spent on organizing the construction. The price per square meter of the building's net area without VAT is 954 euros. Construction work started on December 15, 2021, and the planned transfer of the building to the contracting entity will take place on June 30, 2023, or in a total of 391 days. The calendar schedule shows that the maximum number of workers at the site is in the last two weeks of August. During this period, the number of workers at the site will be 132. However, during the entire construction period, the average number of workers on the site per week is 56 workers. Lifting works are mainly carried out on the site with a mobile truck crane and a crawler crane. A forklift truck and a telescopic loader are also used a lot. Writing this graduation thesis gave the author a lot of experience in the organization of construction and the preparation of technology maps, especially for such a large site. The experience gained from the compilation of the thesis will certainly be useful in the future when organizing the upcoming sites.
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subjectEhitus::Hoonete ehitus::Ehitamine::Ehituse organiseerimine
dc.subject.otherHoonete ehitus
dc.titleBüroo- ja laohoone ehituse organiseerimine
dc.title.alternativeOrganization of the Construction of an Office and Warehouse Building
