Konstruktsioonimudeli andmesisu vajadused ehitusettevõttes



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Uuringu tulemusena selgus, et ehitusettevõtetes kasutatakse konstruktsioonimudeleid enamjaolt visualiseerimiseks, vastuolude kontrolliks ning mahtude väljavõtmiseks. Kui hankeprotsessis kasutatakse mudeli omadusi edukalt ära, siis ehitusplatsil on sellepealt veel piisavalt arenguruumi. Ehitustööde juhtimisel kaasatakse infomudelit peamiselt geomeetriliste kitsaskohtade visualiseerimiseks, kuid informatsiooni, mida mudel võimaldaks, ära ei kasutata. BIM 3D-mudelist edasi arendatavad ajagraafik, maksumuse hindamine, halduse planeerimine, ehitusplatsi plaan ning mudelisse kaasatud ohutusmeetmeid on reaalselt kasutust leidnud osaliselt ainult mudelipõhise ajagraafikuna. Autori poolt läbiviidud intervjuude põhjal selgusid järgevad kitsaskohad: mudelite kesine informatsiooni tase; IFC formaati eksportides läheb arvestataval määral andmesisu kaotsi; erinevate modelleerimist võimaldavate ettevõtete mudelite erisused. Kui ehitajad on konstruktsioonimudeli geomeetrilise andmesisu osaga rahul ning öeldud ka, et see on üks parimaid mudeleid, siis mittegeomeetrilist informatsiooni üldjuhul ideaalseks ei peeta. Intervjuude põhjal koostas autor ettepanekuna tabeli 1, milles on välja toodud andmesisu informatsiooni tase, mida hetkel ehitusettevõte mudelprojektidest eeldab. Originaalformaadist eksportimisel IFC formaati võib tarkvara mittetundmisel või programmide erisuste tõttu minna arvestaval määral andmesisu kaotsi. Selle vältimiseks peavad projekteerijad enne majast välja saatmist kontrollima IFC mudelite õigsust ning vajadusel kõrvaldama vead. Ehitajatele saabuvad vastavalt projektile erineva ülesehitusega mudeleid. Mudelite süsteemsus erineb erinevate firmade vahel, kuna igal ettevõttel on loodud omad standardid lähtuvalt BIM nõuetest. Lahendusena tuleb luua rohkem ühtseid BIM standardeid, mis paneksid paika infomudelite süsteemsuse ning ülesehituse, mida oleks mugav kasutada kõikidele osapooltele.

Applying BIM technology in larger projects has become increasingly common over the years, and this tendency can be attributed to acquiring BIM 3D models. Technology is constantly evolving, new opportunities emerging and innovative solutions being found for improving cooperation between the parties involved in projects. In addition to companies finding BIM solutions cost-efficient, clients also require this technology in projects. Specifying the requirements for the level of development of structural models is relevant, because Estonian State Real Estate Ltd recently published new specifications based on the BIM level of development. Therefore, the author's objective was to additionally study the level of development of structural models, taking only the needs of the construction companies into consideration. In construction companies that implement BIM technology, the level of development of modelling was highly dependent upon relevancy. The level of development of building modelling shows to what extent information model geometry and additional information have been thought through. This thesis, "Level of Development Specifications of Structural Models in Construction Companies", includes descriptions of building modelling in construction and engineering companies, the current specifications, and an analysis of the level of development specifications for structural models from the point of view of construction companies. Six competent professionals from six construction companies with diverse BIM competences were interviewed to perform the analysis. The respondents were asked about the needs of construction companies regarding their levels of development, about the ways level of development is used, and the problems that had occurred in the information model associated with structural models. The results of the study showed that structural models are mostly used for visualising, clash detection, and bills of materials and quantities. The characteristics of the models might be successfully incorporated into the procurement process, but there is room for further improvement on the construction site. On site information models are used to visualise geometric shortcomings but not all of the information the model provides is utilised. In reality, the schedule, cost evaluation, administration and construction site plan developed based on the BIM 3D model and the safety measures presented in the model have only partly been implemented by means of model-based scheduling. Construction companies are satisfied with the level of development of the geometric aspect of the structural model and even find it to be one of the best models, but the non-geometric information is not considered ideal. Based on the interviews, the following issues were outlined: the lack of information in models; the considerable loss of level of development with IFC format exports; the differences between the companies providing modelling. Based on the interviews, a table was drawn up to illustrate the specifications for the level of development information of structural models in construction companies. Exporting the original format as IFC, a considerable amount of level of development might be lost due to not knowing the software or using different programmes. In order to avoid this, engineers must control the adequacy of IFC models and correct mistakes, if necessary, before forwarding the models to other parties. Construction companies receive models with different structures, according to the nature of the project. The level of systematicity differs across companies, as each company has created their own standards based on BIM requirements. The problem could be solved by creating more integrated BIM standards that would lay down system and structure requirements that are conveniently usable for all parties.


