Eluhoone projekt

dc.contributor.advisorKuningas, Andres
dc.contributor.authorUin, Tarmo
dc.description.abstractLõputöö raames lahendati püstitatud eesmärk: kavandati nõuetekohane ja tellijale sobiv arhitektuurne lahendus, määrati hoonele energiatõhususarv ning teostati peamiste kandekonstruktsioonide tugevusarvutused. Hoone arhitektuurseks lahenduseks on ümbruskonda sobiv madal minimalistliku stiiliga ühekordne, keldrita elamu ehitisealuse pinnaga 160 m2 ja kõrgusega 4,2 m. Hoone koosneb ristküliku kujulisest põhimahust, mille kõikidel külgedel on efekti loomiseks tagasiasted, mis viimistletakse puitvooderdusega. Elamu esi- ja tagaküljel on hoone massi sulanduvad varikatused. Lõuna- ja lääneküljes asuvad suured päikeseküllased aknad. Hoone energiatõhususarv ETA 135(kWh/(m2∙a) vastab madalenergiahoone nõuetele. Energiatõhususe tõstmiseks ja liginullenergia taseme saavutamiseks on võimalik juurde lisada päikesepaneelid. Kandevõime kontrollarvutused teostati katusekonstruktsioonile, kandvatele sise-ja välisseintele, kohapeal valmistatavatele raudbetoonsillustele, katusefermi kandvale IPE 300 talale ja vundamenditaldmikule. Peamised kandekonstruktsioonid on stabiilsed ja kandevõimed tagatud.et
dc.description.abstractWithin the framework of my final thesis the goal was achieved: The required architectural solution was planned which suited the subscriber, the structure's energy efficiency was determined and the structure's main support strength calculations were applied. The structure's architectural solution is an environmentally suitable, low height, minimalistic style, single level construction without a basement, with an area of 160m2 and a height of 4,2m. The structure mainly consists of a rectangular volume, of which all sides withdraw for a wooden lining effect. The home's front and back ends have roofing that blends into the structure. The south and west end sides have windows facing the sun. The structure's energy efficiency ETA 135(kWh/(m2∙a) meets the low energy requirements of the structure. To raise the energy efficiency and achieve near zero energy level, solar panels can possibly be added. Weight support capacity control calculations were applied to the roof's structure, to the supporting inner and outer walls, to the locally prepared metal-concrete bridges, to the roof truss supporting IPE 300 girder and to the foundation's footing. The main support structures are stable and support capacity is guaranteed.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationConstruction--Building Construction--Building Construction and Design--Building Designen
dc.subject.classificationConstruction--Building Constructionen
dc.subject.classificationEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Hoonete ehitus ja kavandamine--Hoone kavandamineet
dc.subject.classificationEhitus--Hoonete ehituset
dc.subject.otherHoonete ehituset
dc.subject.otherBuilding Constructionen
dc.titleEluhoone projekt
dc.title.alternativeResidential Building Construction Project
