Büroopindadega korterelamu ehitustööde organiseerimine
dc.contributor.advisor | Ramjalg, Anneli | |
dc.contributor.author | Haabjärv, Marko | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2021-03-17T10:36:08Z | |
dc.date.available | 2021-03-17T10:36:08Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2019 | |
dc.description.abstract | Lõputöö eesmärgiks oli lahendada ehitustööde organiseerimise projekt. Töö raames koostati ehitusplatsi üldplaan, kus näidati soojakute paiknemised, kraanade töötsoonid, ehitusobjekti teenindava transpordi liikumissuunad ja laoplatsid. Koostati objekti detailne eelarve, milles sisalduvate mahtude baasil leiti tööde kestvused ning tööjõuvajadus, mis olid aluseks koondkalendergraafiku koostamisel. Lisaks leiti vajaminevate ehitusaegsete ressurside maht ning dimensioneeriti tõstemehhanismid ehitustööde läbiviimiseks. Töös kirjeldati töövõtumeetodit, töö- ja tuleohutuse ning keskkonnakaitse tagamise plaani. Majandusosas hinnati ehituse organiseerimise kulude osakaalu kogu objekti eelarvest. Käesoleva projekti ehituse organiseerimise kulud moodustavad objekti eelarvest 6,9% ehk 1 700 454 eurot. Ühtlasi leiti ka hoone 1 m2 ehitusmaksumus, milleks kujunes 896 eurot/m2. Kalendergraafiku järgselt on ehitusperioodiks 815,5 päeva, mis teeb ca 38,5 kuud. Tööde algus 04.06.2018 ning tööde lõpp 24.08.2021. Maksimaalne tööliste arv ehituse tipp hetkel on 198 töölist. Põhjalikumalt käsitles autor tüüpkorruse raudbetoonelementide montaažitöid ning betoonfassaadi elastset vuukimist. Mõlema kohta koostati ka tehnoloogiline kaart, mis sisaldas seletuskirja osa ning graafilist osa. Tehnoloogiakaartides sisaldub ka tööliigi detailsem ajagraafik, mis on koostatud brigaadipõhisena. | et |
dc.description.abstract | The aim of the thesis was to solve the project of the organisation of the construction works of an apartment building with office premises. Volume tables, architectural drawings, a partial executive project and a geotechnical report were the source data upon writing the thesis. In the thesis, the author describes the architectural and constructive solution of the building to be constructed and the geotechnical nature of the construction site. In the frames of the thesis, a key plan was prepared where the locations of the rooms for warming up, the locations of the cranes and work zones as well as the movement directions of the transport serving the construction site and the storage sites were indicated. A detailed budget of the object was compiled; based on the volumes included therein, the durations of the works and the need for labour force were determined which were the basis of preparing a consolidated calendar schedule. In addition, the volume of resources necessary during the construction was determined and the lifting mechanisms for the performance of the construction works were dimensioned. Two Liebherr 280EC-H16 Litronic tower cranes were selected for the lifting works. The cost of the construction was EUR 29,47 million together with value added tax. In the economic part, the proportion of the organisation expenses of the construction from the total budget of the object was assessed. The organisation expenses of the construction of the project make up 6,9% or EUR 1 700 454 from the budget of the object. Also, the construction cost of 1 m2 of the building was determined, it was EUR 896/m2. According to the calendar schedule, the construction period is 815,5 days which is approximately 38,5 months. The works commenced in June 2018 and will end in August 2021. The maximum number of employees during the prime time of the construction is 198 employees. The author discussed the assembly works of the reinforced concrete elements of the typical floor and the elastic jointing of the concrete façade more thoroughly. In the explanation part of the technological chart of the assembly of the reinforced concrete elements of the typical floor, the author describes which elements belong to the volume of the typical floor. A more detailed work description and quality requirements are presented about each type of element. A detailed time schedule of the works, floor plans and more important assemblies have been graphically depicted on the drawing. In the technological chart of the elastic jointing, the author describes the intervals of the jointing works, the course of the works and the prerequisites for achieving a high-quality end result. The time schedule of the jointing works of one apartment building was solved graphically to which the more important assemblies, a view of the building and a preliminary design of the location of the set of the façade scaffolding were added. In addition, the contracting method as well as a plan of ensuring occupational safety, fire and environmental protection have been described in the thesis. | en |
dc.identifier.uri | https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/2479 | |
dc.language | et | |
dc.publisher | Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool | |
dc.subject.classification | Construction--Building Construction--Construction--Organization of construction | en |
dc.subject.classification | Ehitus--Hoonete ehitus--Ehitamine--Ehituse organiseerimine | et |
dc.subject.other | Hoonete ehitus | et |
dc.subject.other | Building Construction | en |
dc.title | Büroopindadega korterelamu ehitustööde organiseerimine | |
dc.title.alternative | Organisation of Construction Works of an Apartment Building with Office Premises | |
dc.type | thesis | en |
dc.type | lõputöö | et |