Eelarvestamise analüüs kolme objekti näitel

dc.contributor.advisorViks, Hannes
dc.contributor.authorKulešov, Artjom
dc.description.abstractLõputöös „Eelarvestamise analüüs kolme objekti näitel“ käsitleb kolme erinevat ehitusprojekti, millega autor on kokku puutunud. Teema hõlmab etapiviisilise eelarvestamise protsessi, lähtudes lõputöö autori kogemustest ja muudest allikatest. Töö esimeses peatükis on lühidalt kirjeldatud peatöövõtjat Evicon Ehitus OÜ, kus autor töötab. Sellest firmast on saadud kolme objekti tehnilised andmed ja üldised arhitektuursed kontseptsioonid, mida selles töös analüüsiti. Kirjeldati Nuia 16/18 laohoone ja Vesse 3 olemasoleva tootmishoone laiendamise jaoks koostatud kahte eelarvet. Teises peatükis kirjeldatakse eelarvestamise protsessist üldjoontes konkreetsemalt objekti Tervise Paradiis OÜ 2. korruse toitlustus- ja lasteala rekonstrueerimise ja juurdeehituse näitel. Kirjeldatud on, kuidas koostati eelarve, kui suur on sellise töö maht, ja kuidas seda tööd tuleb teha. Seal peatükis tuleb leida põrandakatete, lagede, sisekrohvide ja värvimistööde mahud. See peatükk peab aitama vähendada eelarvestamise aega ja muuta see tõhusamaks. Töö kolmas peatükk käsitleb erinevate eelarvete hindade analüüsi. Esitatakse koostatakse eelarve hindade ja tegelike kulude võrdlus Nuia 16/18 laohoone rajatise põhjal, samuti mõned ehitamisel tekkinud probleemid ja nende lahendused. Viidi läbi väike seinakonstruktsioonide hindade ja materjalide analüüs ning tehti järeldused odavaima konstruktsiooni kohta. Kirjeldatud on ka probleemi lahendust, kus on vaja leida alternatiivne välisseina materjal, kuna vaja minevat materjali enam ehituses ei kasutata. Kolmanda peatüki järeldused on kirjas sama peatüki lõpus. Et saavutada parim tulemus, peab pakkumise koostamine olema motiveeritud koostööprotsess algusest peale. See tähendab, et eesmärgiks on hanke võitmine. Pakkumisprotsessis osalevad töötajad peavad teadma, millist panust neilt oodatakse, mis alusel tööd tehakse, mis kuupäevaks tuleks töö tulemus esitada ning kuidas ja kelle kaudu toimub teabevahetus. Oluline komponent kompileeritud hinna muutmisel konkurentsivõimeliseks tooteks on analüütiline osa. Võrdlusobjektide rohkus, nende andmete süstemaatilisus ja kasutusmugavus on võrdlusmomentide loomisel ja seega ka hinna korrigeerimise võimalusel suureks abiks. Andmete salvestamise ja arhiveerimise süsteem on oluline. Ei piisa isiklikust kogemusest ja sellel põhinevaid otsuseid ei tohi võtta absoluutse tõena. Eelarve koostamisel tekkivaid küsimusi saab arutada rahvusvahelistes töörühmades. Ehitusspetsialistide seas saab läbi viia mitmeid uuringuid ning teavet on võimalik saada paljudest riikidest sarnaste küsimuste ja otsuste
dc.description.abstractBudgeting analysis based on the example of three sites. This thesis is based on three construction projects. A company has provided basic projects for three different types of buildings. One of the warehouses at Nuia 16/18 has a tender budget, the building is ready. A tender budget has been made for the second warehouse building at Vesse 3 and a tender budget will be prepared for the third site, Side 14 spa centre, during the thesis. The company's price lists and other necessary databases are used to compile and compare the costs. The beginning of the thesis contains descriptions of the analyzed buildings. In the next chapter, a budget is prepared for one building and analyzed from the point of view of the budgeter. The following chapter analyzes the tender budget for a building, the construction of which has been completed and the actual costs of which are known. In addition, the extent to which there are differences in the calculation and pricing of building components for different types of buildings is analyzed. The thesis analyzes what kind of constructive feedback a budgeter needs from construction managers and how to make the budgeting work more efficient. The aim of the thesis is to introduce the construction budgets, the budgeting process, the analysis of different estimates and how the budgeting process could be made simpler and faster. The whole process and all the examples are taken from real events from the daily working life of the budgeter. Sometimes it turns out that the budget drawn up differs from the actual costs. This can happen for completely different reasons. The author gives an example in the thesis, where these differences arose, based on the example of the Nuia 16/18 warehouse site. The author is of opinion that the thesis is very relevant for people involved in the field of construction, because the person who reads the thesis gets an idea of budgeting, its nuances, structural analysis and possible differences between the budget and actual costs during construction. This will help the person to do their job faster and without mistakes in the future. In the case of this Nuia 16/18 site, most of the mark-ups (98%) were due to direct additional work, project deficiencies or hidden deficiencies. These were considered as additional work, which was additionally compensated by the client. Winter costs increased the cost of the site by 1.5%. There were essentially no errors in the volume calculations and unit prices. Irrespective of the price changes of different sections of the work, the contractual volume of the site was finalized at a 4% lower cost than had been calculated in the budget. In general, there are no major differences between the sites, which could be pointed out in particular. During budgeting, very precise calculations are made in terms of both volumes and prices. The author compared stone exterior walls construction of Fibo, Bauroc and Columbia blocks, taking into account the materials, works and the same requirements. The analysis shows that the price of Bauroc Ecoterm blocks with good insulation is the most expensive in terms of material prices, but the lowest labour cost plays an important role in the formation of the final price, which makes Bauroc the leader in the end. All the building materials discussed above have their significant advantages and disadvantages. While in some places the foam blocks underperform the sandwich panels, in other situations they undoubtedly take the lead. So you need to find out which building material properties are most important and of biggest priority for you. This is the only way to make the best and considered choice in favour of something. Never choose a material based on the cheapest price, as the most profitable choices may not always be the most appropriate ones. The second chapter describes the budgeting process in a more specific way, based on the example of the reconstruction and extension of the catering and children's area of the 2nd floor of the Tervise Paradiis OÜ site. It describes how the budget was drawn up, what is the volume of such work and how this work should be done. In the chapter it is needed to find out the volumes of floor coverings, ceilings, interior plasters and painting works. This chapter must help reduce budgeting time and make it more efficient. Personal experience is not enough and decisions based on it must not be taken as absolute truth. Budgeting issues can be discussed in international working groups. A number of surveys can be conducted among construction professionals, and information can be obtained from many countries on similar issues and
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkoolet
dc.subjectTTK Subject Categories::Ehitus::Hoonete ehitus::Ehitusökonoomikaet
dc.subject.otherHoonete ehituset
dc.titleEelarvestamise analüüs kolme objekti näitelet
dc.title.alternativeBudgeting Analysis Based on the Example of Three Siteset
