Korterelamu ehitustööde organiseerimine



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Antud lõputöö raames organiseeriti neljakorruselise korterelamu ehitusprotsessi. Algusest tutvustati lühidalt hoone paiknemist ning selle arhitektuuri, seejärel hoone konstruktiivset ning eriosade lahendust. Majandusosas toodi välja koondeelarve koos ehitusplatsi korraldusja üldkuludega. Koondkalenderplaani osas koostati kalendergraafik tuginedes hoone mahtudele ning anti ülevaadet ehitustööde etappidest, tagades sujuva ja tõhusa ehitusprotsessi. Samuti kirjeldati ehitusobjektil teosatatavaid töid, selleks kasutatud tehnikat ja tööriistu. Lõputöös koostati ehitusplatsi üldplaan ning kaks tehnoloogiakaarti graafiliste joonistega. Tehnoloogiakaartides kirjeldatakse 0-tsükli ja katuse ehitustöid. Samuti on tehnoloogiakaartides kirjeldatud tööde tehnoloogiat, kasutatavaid materjale, tööriistu ja masinaid ning arvutatud välja tööde tööjõuvajadust ja tootlust. Autor koostas järgmiseid graafilisi jooniseid – kalendergraafik, ehitusplatsi üldplaan, 0-tsükli tehnoloogiakaart ning katusetööde tehnoloogiakaart. Lõputöö viimases osas toodi välja objektil tööohutuse ja keskkonna kaitsmise põhimõtteid. Tuginedes koostatud kalendergraafikule alustatakse ehitustöödega 15. aprillil 2024. aastal ning lõpetatakse 11. detsembril 2025. aastal. Kokku kestab ehitus 369 päeva ning maksimaalne tööliste arv objektil on 62 inimest siseviimistlustööde ajal. Ehituseelarve on koostanud Metropoli Ehitus OÜ meeskond. Koondeelarve koostamisel kujunes ehitustööde omahinnaks 3 629 290 eurot ilma käibemaksuta. Sellest hinnast 15% moodustavad ehitusplatsi korraldus- ja üldkulud ehk 563 000 eurot. Arvestades juurde käibemaksu ja peatöövõtufirma kasumi saame neto ruutmetri hinnaks 3813 eurot/m2 . Ehitusplatsi üldplaani koostamisel arvestati antud objekti eripära. Kraana asukoht ja tüüp valiti vastavalt objekti tõstevajadusele, monteeritavate elementide massi ja kaugusele. Elamuhoone ehitustööde töövõtumeetodiks on peatöövõtu meetod. Valituks osutunud peatöövõtja kohustub teostama töid vastavalt tellija lähteülesandele ning tuginedes ehitusnormidele, standartidele ja headele ehitustavadele. Lõputöö koostamine andis autorile hea ülevaade ehitatavast hoonest ning ehitusobjekti organiseerimist puudutavatest etappidest juba enne ehitusprotsessi algust. Lõputöö koostaja saab rakendada lõputöö koostamise raames omandatud teadmisi ka hiljem tööl.

The topic of this thesis is the planning of the construction works of an apartment building, during which a project for the organization of construction works is prepared, together with a schedule and technology cards. The object of construction works is a four-story apartment building located in the western part of the Kalamaja district in Tallinn on Uus-Volta street. The first part of the thesis describes the architectural and constructive solution of the building, provides an overview of the technical systems of the building and describes the construction works to be carried out. The construction budget has been prepared by Metropoli ehitus OÜ. The author of the thesis has drawn up a consolidated budget, which includes a calculation of the organizational and general costs of construction. During the preparation of the consolidated budget, the cost price of construction works was calculated at EUR 3,629,290.2, excluding VAT. 15% of this price, i.e. EUR 563,000, is accounted for by the building site organization and general costs. Taking into account the value added tax and the profit of the general contracting company, we can calculate the net cost per square meter at EUR 3,813. The calendar schedule of the construction process has also been drawn up according to the calculated volumes and the time intensity of carrying out the construction works. RATU cards and standard time limits of the general contractor are used to calculate the required time. Based on the calendar schedule that has been drawn up, construction works will begin on 15 April 2024 and will be completed on 11 December 2025. The total construction will last 369 days and the maximum number of workers on site at one time is 62 people during the interior finishing works. Next, a general plan for the construction site is drawn up, which helps to organize the construction work more efficiently and ensure the safety of workers. The diagram indicates the location of the site's perimeter, entrance gates, heaters, waste containers, fire extinguishers and first aid kits. In the course of organizing the construction site, the electricity and water requirements of the site are calculated and the water pipeline is dimensioned. Within the framework of the thesis, two technology cards have been prepared, one for the execution of the 0-cycle and the other for the execution of roofing works. Both technology cards are supported by graphical drawings. The explanatory memorandum section of the maps describes the stages of the work to be carried out, the tools and machines used, and calculates 50 the need for labor and the duration of the work. The author has also described the quality and safety requirements. The final part of the thesis describes the contracting method, occupational safety and environmental protection. The contracting method for the construction of a residential building is the general contracting method. The selected general contractor undertakes to perform the works in accordance with the initial task of the contracting authority and on the basis of building codes, standards and good construction practices. The author was given a good overview of the building under construction and the stages concerning the organization of the construction site even before the construction process began. The author of the thesis can apply the knowledge acquired during the preparation of the thesis later at work.



