Ühiskondliku hoone ehitustööde organiseerimine



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Ehitise teostamisega kaasneb suur ökoloogiline jalajälg. Suurima neist jätab betoonehitis. Lähtudes sellest tuleks võimalusel hinnata ehitise seisukorda ja võimalusel see rekonstrueerida. Rekonstrueerimise käigus jääb tavaliselt hoone karkass valdavalt samaks. Kindlasti vaadatakse üle selle olukord ja vajadusel tehakse täiendavad parandus või tugevdustööd hoone elukaare pikendamiseks. Rekonstrueerimistööde käigus kaasajastatakse kogu hoone tehnosüsteemid. Erilise väljakutse annab see arhitektidele ja inseneridele, kes peavad olemasoleva hoone kontseptsiooni muutma vastavalt Tellija ootustele. Projektis rekonstrueeritakse Rahvusraamatukogu CD korpuse hooned. Rekonstrueerimistööde algus on 01.02.2022. Tööde teostamise aeg on 35 kuud. Selle ajaga rekonstrueeritakse lisaks CD korpusele ka kõik teised korpused. Hoone on lisaks oma suurusele ka täiendavalt võetud muinsuskaitse alla. See seab piirangud näiteks fassaadidel, ventilatsioonirestidele fassaadil, algupärastele siseustel, mis on säilitavate eksponaatide nimekirjas jne. Hoone suurust arvestades saab panna tehtavad tööd osaliselt kattuma. Ehitusobjekti kõige ohtlikum aeg on lammutusperiood. Tegemist on vana hoonega ning selle teostus ei pruugi vastata tegelikkusele. Lisaks on ekspluatatsiooni käigus tulnud välja ka hoone nõrgad kohad, mis vajavad lahendust. Lammutusperiood kestab umbes 1 aasta. Samal ajal alustatakse ka ehitustöödega seal kus lammutustööd on lõppenud. Ehitusobjekti pingelisem aeg on ehitusperioodi teine aasta. Selle perioodi sisse mahub pea kõikide töövõtuliikide teostus, mis mahukamate tööde puhul kanduvad ka kolmanda aasta esimesse poolde. Sel perioodil on ehitis koormatud ka maksimaalse inimressursiga. Eelnevalt olen kokku puutunud keerukate muinsuskaitse all olevate rekonstrueeritavate hoonete ehitusega. Ükspäev sain kutse osaleda selle hoone rekonstrueerimistöödel. Aukartust tekitas hoone suurus ja selle iseloom. Lammutustööde ja hoone konstruktsioonide tugevdamisel mul isiklikus plaanis kartusi ei tekkinud. Oma ehituskogemusele tuginedes julgesin diskuteerida konstruktiivse osa inseneridega ning pakkuda välja optimaalsemaid ning toimivaid lahendusi. Enamik neist läks ka ehituskonstruktsioonides kasutusse.

Olen tänulik võimalusele osaleda väga suure ning Eesti Vabariigile olulise hoone rekonstrueerimistöödel. Selle objekti töödel kaasalöömine annab väga suure kogemuse keeruka ning kitsaste oludes tööde teostamise kohta.

This organisation project for construction works has been prepared as a final paper for the Building Construction curriculum at the TTK University of Applies Sciences. The project is based on the reconstruction of the C and D blocks of the National Library of Estonia procured by State Real Estate Ltd. and executed by Ehitus5ECO OÜ. The project covers the organisation of demolition and reconstruction works of a capacious and complex structure. The contracting methods, occupational safety and resource needs as well as quality standards necessary for the execution of the demolition and construction works have been specified on the basis of the building’s constructional and architectural solutions. Contracting for demolition and masonry works has been explained in greater detail. The following plans have been prepared a schedule, a general plan, technology maps for demolition and masonry works and a work safety, risk evaluation and fire safety plan. Building construction is related to a huge ecological footprint. Concrete buildings have the greatest environmental footprint. Therefore, the condition of buildings should be evaluated and they should be reconstructed, if possible. Reconstruction works generally maintain the frame of the building. The condition of the frame is assessed and repair works are executed to extend the life span of the building where necessary. Reconstruction works include the modernisation of all of the building’s systems. It is a challenge for the architects and engineers who have to alter the existing concept according to the expectations of the contracting entity. Reconstruction works begin on 1 February 2022. The construction period is 35 months. The entire building complex will be reconstructed during that period. The period also includes the handover of the building to the contracting entity. Reconstruction works have been planned according the flow production principle. Work stages have been designed to partially overlap. Such organisation is made possible by the capacity of the building. All details to be preserved will be removed and taken to restauration during demolition works. All details with heritage protection specifications will be preserved. The most dangerous period on the construction site is the demolition period. As it is an old building, its execution may not correspond to the plans. The demolition period lasts for approximately one year. During that period, construction works are started in areas where demolition has been completed. The most intense period on the site is the second year. This period includes the simultaneous execution of all contracting types and the site is burdened with the maximum amount of human resources. As I have previous experience in the reconstruction of buildings under heritage protection, I had the opportunity to participate in the construction of this building. The character and capacity of this structure was awe-inspiring. I did not have any personal doubts with regard to the demolition works and the strengthening of the building’s frame. On the basis of my experience in construction, I dared to enter into discussions with the engineers of the structural part to offer optimal and operational solutions. Most of them were applied in the structural work. I appreciate the opportunity to be part of the reconstruction works of such a megastructure that also bears significance to the Republic of Estonia. Participation in the works on this site gives great experience in executing construction works under tight and complex conditions.



Ehitus::Hoonete ehitus::Ehitamine::Ehituse organiseerimine
