Büroo- ja elamuhoone ehitustööde organiseerimine

dc.contributor.advisorAlt, Aivars
dc.contributor.authorAlmosen, Kaarel
dc.description.abstractKäesoleva lõputöö teemaks on büroo- ja eluhoone ehitustööde organiseerimine. Hooned asuvad Tallinna kesklinnas, mida läbi kunagine Härjapea jõgi. Rajatav hoonekompleks koosneb kolmest tornist absoluutkõrgustega 124 m, 76,8 m ning 49,7 meetrit. Maa aluses osas asub ühine parkimisala ning esimesel kolmel ühisel korrusel on avalikud funktsioonid. Kõige väiksemat torni kasutatakse eluhoonena ning kahte suuremat büroohoonena. Hoone brutopind on 77 032 m². Lõputöö eesmärgiks on anda ülevaade suurematest 0-tsükli ehitustöödest ja nende kohta koostati kaks tehnoloogiakaarti. Lõputöös kirjeldatakse täpsemalt süvendi kaevamist ning puurvaiade paigaldamist. Nende kohta koostatakse graafilised joonised. Olulised punktid, mis läbisid lõputööd on tööohutus ning tööde teostamise kvaliteedi tagamine. Objekti kohta koostati ehitustööde organiseerimise plaan koos graafilise joonisega. Ehitusplatsi üldplaanil lahendati ehituse korraldusega kaasnev. Tehti vajalikud arvutused kuluva vee ja elektri kohta. Samuti kavandati rasketehnika liikumis ja töötsoonid. Hoone 0-tsükli kohta koostati eelarve ning koondkalendergraafik. Hoone 0-tsükli maksumuseks kujunes 13,6 mil eurot. Planeeritud tööde kestvus on 16 kuud ja 10 päeva alustades 2019 aasta oktoobrist. Lõputöö koostamisel võeti aluseks arhitektuurne seletuskiri, detailplaneering, konstruktsiooniosa eelprojekti seletuskiri, ehitusgeoloogiline pinnaseuuring, ehitusprojekti kavand ning tugev- ja nõrkvoolupaigaldis. Suureks abiks olid raamatud „Ehituskorraldus“, „Ehitusplatsi korralduse kavandamine“ ning „Ehitustehnoloogia“.et
dc.description.abstractThe goal of the thesis Organising the Construction of an Office and Apartment Building is to resolve the organisation project of the construction of a building located in the Tallinn city centre. The building complex has been divided into three sections, labelled A, B, and C. The criterion for the division is the functionality of the complex during its operation. Section A is a 30- storey tower along with the section between the other towers. Section B is a 16-storey and section C a 9-storey tower. There are two-storey underground parking sections. The superstructure consists of three belowground structures connected to each other on the basement floors and between the ground and second floors. The frame is designed in a pole- slab system without beams, which ensures maximum floor height. The rigidity of the frame is ensured by the inclusion of staircases, walls of the elevator shaft, rigidity walls, and monolithic intermediate floors. The superstructure will be constructed on pile foundations. The piles are recessed into a layer of fine sand (layer 12 in the report of geological surveys) of at least 2 m and their length from the lower level of the pile foundation plate is approximately 28 to 34 metres. The estimated lifespan of the building is 100 years. In this thesis, the author provides an overview of the source data and the architecture of the building, and describes the constructional parts and the utility systems. The construction budget for the underground part is 11.33 million euros and the organisational cost will form 1.04 million euros, which is 9.1% of the total cost. In view of the time rates and work volume, a task schedule was prepared for the construction of the underground section. Construction works will begin on 1 October 2019 and will end on 10 February 2021, adding up to 354 workdays. The maximum number of workers on that construction phase will be 37. More complicated work processes are resolved by technological maps, which cover the soil works and the process of drilling the foundation piles. This thesis gave the author new knowledge primarily on preparing a construction site, organising soil works, and the technological processes of drilling foundation piles. It provides a clear overview as well as key points that should be followed on the construction site.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationConstruction--Building Construction--Construction--Organization of constructionen
dc.subject.classificationEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Ehitamine--Ehituse organiseerimineet
dc.subject.otherHoonete ehituset
dc.subject.otherBuilding Constructionen
dc.titleBüroo- ja elamuhoone ehitustööde organiseerimine
dc.title.alternativeOrganising the Construction of an Office and Apartment Building
