LEED rohemärgise erinevate tasemete investeerimisvajaduse analüüs Kai 1 hoone põhjal



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Uurimistöös hinnati Kai tänav 1 büroohoone põhiprojekti LEED Gold ja ehitatava LEED Plantinum lahenduste lisainvesteeringute vajadust ja mahtu. Lisaks võrreldi märgise muudatuse võtmes mõju energiamärgisele, kui ka tegelikule energia tarbimisele. Hinnati hoone kandekonstruktsiooni muudatusest tulenevat ehitise mõju loodusele ning LEED märgisele. Esimese osas, kirjanduse ülevaates, tehti ülevaade rohemärgistest (LEED ja BREEAM) ja rohemärgiste olulisusest. Järgmistes osades kirjeldati projekteeritud ja ehitatud tehnilisi lahendusi, hinnata energiatõhusust, ehituse maksumust ja LEED võimalike punkte omandamist.

Kai Street Office Building In this research, the aim was to assess the extra cost required for going from the LEED Gold to LEED Platinum level. Kai Street 1 office building was used as a reference for this analysis. In addition, it was evaluated, how the different green label levels influence the energy certification and actual energy consumption levels. Before the construction stage, construction companied redesigned the building structure and therefore the amount of some of the materials changed. Thus, we studied how these changes influence also the CO2 emission and how this is considered in LEED green labeling. For that in the first section of this thesis, literature review was compiled comparing the different green labeling standards (LEED and BREAM) and their importance. In following sections, in this work, designed and actually built solutions were described together with the analysis of energy efficiency, construction costs and LEED points for different levels.


