Eesti Loodusteaduskeskus Skoone bastionis



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Skoone bastion on Tallinna üks militaararhitektuurimälestis, mis vajab värskendust ning vanalinnaga sidumist. Bastioni pealne park ja avalik ruum peaks olema mõnus ajaveetmiskoht vanalinna küljel, kust avanevad kaunid vaated Kalamajale, merele ja vanalinnale. Antud lõputöö projekt pakub Skoone bastionile uue hingamise ühendades arhitektuurimälestise modernse näituse- ja teaduskeskkonnaga. Bastioni sisse planeeritav Eesti Loodusteaduskeskus toimib tõmbenumbrina nii turistidele ja linlasetele. Hoone mahud loovad erinevaid tasandeid ja vaateplatvorme. Loodusteaduskeskuse sissepääs tekitab bastionisse lõhe, mis eraldab privaatsed terrassid kohvikule ja loodusteaduskeskusele ning avaliku pargi linlastele. Rannamäe tee poolne teaduskeskuse mahu akende raamid loovad rütmilise sekkumise tuima paekiviseina. Käesolevas projektis on arvestatud Skoone bastioni ajaloolise kuju ja tasandite struktuuri, samal ajal soosides jalakäijate sõbralikku liikumistrajektoore ja luues poolavaliku, poolsuletud loodusteaduskeskuse.

The diploma thesis represents the new design and contemporary vision for Estonian Nature Museum upgrading it to the Estonian Nature Science Centre. The proposed building with new typology of rooms is located in the northwest side of Tallinn’s Old Town, in the old entrenchment bastion of Skoone. The architectural design of the new building is originated from the sitespecific history and the form of building is inspired by the plans of the old Skoone fortification. Building’s architectural language is following the straigth and geometric structure of the bastion, at the same time appearing minimal and simpel. The interior of the nature science centre is inspired by Estonian versatile and complex nature when creating a contemporary exchibition and work environment. The aim of this project is to create a new building for Estonian Nature Centre and activate the passive city space on the top of the Skoone bastion. The new design will create an active street front towards the Rannamäe tee, when closing the road for cars and designing it for pedestrians. In this thesis presented vison for Skoone bastion as Estonian Nature Centre has a high potential to create new pedestrian walkways and trajectorys between harbour and Old Town, making the site atractive for tourists and for local citizens.


