Äripindadega korterelamu ehituse organiseerimine



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Lõputöö eesmärk oli kavandada ehituse korraldus ja läbi mõelda tööde omavahelised seosed. Leitud on vajalikud ressursid tööde teostamiseks ning maksumus. Hoone ehitus toimub kitsastes tingimustes, mis tähendab, et tuleb kasutada montaaž ratastel meetodit. Ehitusobjektil ladustatakse ehitusmaterjale võimalikult vähe. Lõputöös on esitatud katusetööde ja fassaaditööde tehnoloogiakaardid, kus on leitud tööde mahukused, vajalikud töövahendid, tööde kestuse graafikud ja tööjõu ressursi vajadused. Ehitusplatsil töötab kõrgajal 36 töölist, ehituse kestuseks on autor leidnud 23 kuud. Ehitustööd algavad 7. märts 2016 ja tööd lõppevad 15. jaanuar 2018. Hoone organiseerimiskuludeks sai autor 16%, mis on üsna kõrge. Organiseerimiskuludest suurem osa kulub tehnika rentimisele. Ehitus kestuse leidmiseks on kasutatud EKE NORA ajanormide ja üksushindade andmebaase ning RATU kaarte. Tulenevalt objekti kitsastest tingimustest kasutatakse tornkraanat, mille noolepikkus on 40 m. Fassaaditöödel kasutatakse A-majal korvtõstukit, B-majal toimuvad tööd tellingutelt.

The selected topic for the final paper is The Organisation of Construction Works for the Commercial and Apartment Buildings at Kopli 6 and 4a. The final paper will address organisational issues. It will establish the order for conducting the works, their mutual dependencies and the duration of the works. It will provide instructions on how to achieve a high quality outcome and what normative documents the construction works must correspond to. Attention will also be paid to the working conditions and safety equipment used during the construction works. Solutions will be provided for the water and electrical supply for the construction works, thereby ensuring the smooth progression of the works. In order to establish the construction costs and the duration of the works, Eke Nora’s databases of standard prices and times will be used. The final project will be based on the basic architectural project compiled by Martin Aunin and the basic project for building structures compiled by the engineering company Püloon OÜ. The solution for the buildings will ensure lots of light, with rental space and a car park planned for the ground floor. Office spaces and apartments are planned on the top floors. The planned balcony for the building will be bordered by decorative façade elements, which will give the building its characteristic look. Rooftop terraces overlooking the Old Town and the sea are also planned. Technical data sheets will be resolved in the final project, in which a more detailed overview of the organisation of the construction works will be provided. These include a technical data sheet for roofing works and façade works, which will serve as instructions for the workers. The purpose of the technical data sheets is to ensure the safety and the quality of the final results. The data sheets describe the direction of movement of the work front, the materials used, installation requirements, safety equipment and quality requirements.


