Ettevalmistusala eraldamine põhitootmisest Windak OÜ näitel



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Lõputöö esimene eesmärk oli kaardistada eraldatud alade tootlikkus. Selleks vaadeldi tootmisprotsesse projektialal koostades ja ettevalmistusalal koostades, et kindlaks teha kahe koosteaja erinevus ja hinnata ettevalmistusalal konveierliini moodulite koostamise ajalist mõju projektialale. Selleks mõõdeti ajakulu ning tehti arvutused ja parendusettepanekud. Lõputöö teine eesmärk oli hinnata pindalakasutust tootmises enne ja pärast. Selleks võeti aluseks tootmishoone planeering ning maksimaalsete projektide arv vastavalt tootmisalale ning hinnati ajalist tasuvust. Windak Grupis on kasutusel Jira Software ja Monitor ERP süsteem, et efektiivselt projekte juhtida ja varudel ning tootmisprotsessidel silma peal hoida. Kirjeldati Windakis kasutusel olevaid LEAN süsteeme ning hinnati nende implementeerimist. Nende teadmiste baasil ja kogutud andmete põhjal tehti analüüsid ning parendusettepanekud. Parendusettepanekud toetusid nii teoreetilistele kui ka empiirilistele tulemustele. Töö mõõdistamise ja hindamise vältel jälgiti töötajate puhtuse hoidmist ja tööülesannete täitmise korrektsust, et teada saada, kas töötajate tegevustest tulenevalt tekib ajalisi kadusid või esineb viivitusi tööprotsessides. Vaatluse käigus tehti ettepanek 5S-süsteemi paremaks juurutamiseks. Eraldatud alade mõõdistustest selgus, et eraldamise tulemusel tekiks 42 minutit ajalist võitu, kuid selle ala arvelt kaoks üks projektiala, mis muudetaks ettevalmistusalaks. Lõputöö eesmärgid said täidetud ning kõik lõputöö jooksul välja tulnud probleemid ja parendusettepanekud said juhtkonnale edastatud. 5S-süsteemi kitsaskohtade parenduseks koostas autor 5S-süsteemi juurutamiseks ja standardiseerimiseks 5S-standardi tootmisalale, et parendada heakorda ja tööriistade otsimise aega (vt Lisa 1).

The first goal of the thesis was to map the productivity of the separated areas. For this purpose, the production processes were observed when assembling in the project area and assembling in the preparation area in order to determine the difference between the two assembly times and to assess the time effect of assembling the conveyor line modules in the preparation area on the project area. For this purpose, time consumption was measured and calculations and improvement proposals were made. The second goal of the thesis was to evaluate the area use in production before and after. For this purpose, the planning of the production building and the maximum number of projects according to the production area were taken as a basis, and the time profitability was evaluated. Windak Group uses Jira Software and the Monitor ERP system to effectively manage projects and keep an eye on stocks and production processes. The LEAN systems in use at Windak were described and their implementation was evaluated. Analyzes and suggestions for improvement were made based on this knowledge and collected data. Suggestions for improvement were based on both theoretical and empirical results. During the measuring and evaluation of the work, employees' cleanliness and the correctness of their tasks were monitored in order to find out whether there are time losses or delays in the work processes as a result of the employees' activities. During the observation, a proposal was made for a better implementation of the 5S system. The measurements of the separated areas revealed that as a result of the separation, a time gain of 42 minutes would occur, but at the expense of this area, one project area would disappear, which would be turned into a preparation area. The objectives of the thesis were met and all problems and improvement proposals that emerged during the thesis were forwarded to the management. In order to improve the bottlenecks of the 5S system, the author prepared a 5S standard for the implementation and standardization of the 5S system in the production area to improve the order and tool retrieval time (see Appendix 1).



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