Tehases toodetud elementide paigaldussõlmede kataloogi loomine ja maksumuse ning ajakulu analüüs
dc.contributor.advisor | Hamburg, Pille | |
dc.contributor.author | Siim, Taavi | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2021-03-17T10:36:03Z | |
dc.date.available | 2021-03-17T10:36:03Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2019 | |
dc.description.abstract | Käesoleva lõputöö eesmärk oli koostata termopaneelide tüüpsete paigaldussõlmede kataloog koos sõlmede hinnastamise ja ajakulu lisamisega, et vähendada ajakulu esmase hinnapakkumise ja esmaste sõlmede koostamisel. Lõputöö tulemusena valmis 15 sõlmest koosnev termopaneelide tüüpsete paigaldussõlmede kataloog koos ajakulu ja maksumuse tabeliga. Kataloogi koostamiseks koguti kokku kõikide ettevõtte poolt ehitatud termopaneeliga objektide paigaldussõlmed. Sõlmed sorteeriti vastavalt nende liigile ja koostöös paigaldusjuhtide ja peainseneriga valiti välja enamlevinud lahendused. Seejärel sõlmed ühtlustati kasutades erinevaid kihte, värve ja täitemustreid. Kasutusele võeti ühtne viidete süsteem, kus iga joonisel oleva numbri taga on detaili või tarviku kirjeldus. Kõik joonised vormistati ühtse kirjanurgaga. Sõlmedel olevad lahendused tuli ajakohastada ja parandada vastavalt tänapäeval ettevõttes kasutusel olevatele tehnoloogiatele ja materjalidele. Igale sõlmele vastab ajakulu ja maksumuse tabel. Tabelis on kirjeldatud kõik sõlmes kasutatavad materjalid, tarvikud ja tootmist vajavad detailid. Tootmist vajavate detailide juures on välja toodud materjali maksumus ja tootmiseks kuluv aeg koos tootmise maksumusega. Ülejäänud materjalid ja tarvikud on ainult hinnastatud. Lisaks on tabelis toodud detailide ja materjalide paigaldamiseks kuluv aeg koos maksumusega. Kataloogi hakkavad kasutama nii eelarvestajad kui müügiinsenerid hinnapakkumiste tegemisel ja eelarvete koostamisel. Sõlmede kataloogi hakkavad kasutama lisaks projekteerijad, kes kataloogis olevaid sõlmi alusfailidena saavad kasutada. | et |
dc.description.abstract | The subject of the final thesis was Preparation of a Catalogue of Installation Assemblies of Factory-made Parts and an Analysis of Cost and Time Consumption. The objective of the final thesis was the preparation of a catalogue of installation assemblies typical to thermal panels. In addition, the assemblies were priced and the time spent on building an assembly was added. The reason for preparing a catalogue was the company’s desire to decrease the time spent on making an initial price offer. It was also desired to avoid repeated drawing of the same assemblies. In order to prepare the catalogue, the installation assemblies of all sites with thermal panels built by the company were collected. The collected assemblies were sorted by type and the most common solutions were selected in cooperation with installation managers and the senior engineer. Then the assemblies were harmonized with various layers, colours and filling patterns. A uniform reference system was adopted, with a description of a part or accessory behind each number on a drawing. Then the assembly solutions were updated and improved according to the technologies and materials used in the company today. 15 of the most common assemblies were selected for the final thesis to focus on. In addition, a preparation time and cost table was drawn up for each assembly. The table provides all materials, accessories and production parts used in an assembly. Parts requiring production include the cost of materials and time of production together with the cost of production. The remaining materials and accessories are priced only. In addition, the time spent on installing parts and materials together with cost are specified in the table. The final thesis resulted in the completion of a catalogue of typical installation assemblies of thermal panels consisting of 15 assemblies, together with a table of time consumption and cost. The catalogue and table will be used by budgeters and sales engineers for making price offers and budgeting. The assembly catalogue will also be used by designers who can use the assemblies contained in the catalogue as base files. | en |
dc.identifier.uri | https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/2455 | |
dc.language | et | |
dc.publisher | Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool | |
dc.subject.classification | Construction--Building Construction--Construction Economics | en |
dc.subject.classification | Construction--Building Construction--Building Construction and Design--Building Design | en |
dc.subject.classification | Construction--Building Construction--Building Construction and Design--Building Elements | en |
dc.subject.classification | Construction--Building Construction--Structural Design | en |
dc.subject.classification | Ehitus--Hoonete ehitus--Ehitusökonoomika | et |
dc.subject.classification | Ehitus--Hoonete ehitus--Hoonete ehitus ja kavandamine--Hoone kavandamine | et |
dc.subject.classification | Ehitus--Hoonete ehitus--Hoonete ehitus ja kavandamine--Hoone osad | et |
dc.subject.classification | Ehitus--Hoonete ehitus--Tarindite projekteerimine | et |
dc.subject.other | Hoonete ehitus | et |
dc.subject.other | Building Construction | en |
dc.title | Tehases toodetud elementide paigaldussõlmede kataloogi loomine ja maksumuse ning ajakulu analüüs | |
dc.title.alternative | Preparation of a Catalogue of Installation Assemblies of Factory-made Parts and an Analysis of Cost and Time Consumption | |
dc.type | thesis | en |
dc.type | lõputöö | et |