Osaliselt renoveeritud korterelamu rekonstrueerimise paketi koostamine vastavalt KredEx 40% toetuse saamise nõuetele

dc.contributor.advisorHamburg, Anti
dc.contributor.authorRemsel, Andre
dc.description.abstractLõputöö eesmärgiks oli analüüsida 1992. aastal Rakvere linnas ehitatud 3- korruselise korterelamu sisekliima olukorda ja energiatõhusust, ning pakkuda välja rekonstrueerimise lahendus vastavalt KredEx 40% toetuse saamise nõuetele. Hoone seisukorra hindamiseks kasutati visuaalset vaatlusmeetodit, millega kaardistati hoone probleemid. Suurimateks kahjustusteks osutusid katusekatte ning panduse seisukord. Samuti oli hoone sisekliima olukord halb. Sisekliima hindamiseks, teostati kolmes korteris mõõtmised, mille käigus selgus, et peamiseks probleemiks oli õhuvahetus ning korterite kõrge CO2 tase. Kõrge CO2 tase viitab halvale õhuvahetusel. Õhuvahetuse kontrollimiseks teostati ühes vaadeldud korteris õhuhulkade mõõdistamised, kus selgus, et õhuvahetus jäi vahemiku 0-2 l/s. Halva õhuvahetuse peamisteks põhjuseks uuritaval hoonel oli ventilatsioonišahtide kinni katmine katusel kui ka korterites, värskeõhuklappide suletud asendis kinni kiilumine. Hoone kütte- ja tarbevee torustiku seisukord on halb, torustikel puudub isolatsioon ning tarbevee torud on ummistunud. Ummistustest tingituna on elanikel tarbevee kasutamine keerukas, sest puudub surve. Antud hoone seisukorra parandamiseks lähtus töö autor KredEx korterelamute rekonstrueerimise 40% nõuetest, ning pakkus seeläbi välja rekonstrueerimise lahenduse. Olemasoleva hoone energiatarbe välja selgitamiseks koostati simulatsiooni programmiga IDA ICE mudel, mis viidi vastavusse tegeliku olukorraga ning kaalutud energiatarbimiseks saadi 160,8 kWh/(m2·a). Vastavalt KredEx 40% toetuse nõuetest, on mudelisse sisestatud andmed ja leitud rekonstrueeritava hoone kaalutud energia tarbimine. Sisestatud andmed oodatud tulemust ei andnud, kus hoone energiatõhusese arv vastaks klassile C ≤150 kWh/(m2·a). Pärast rekonstrueerimis meetmete rakendamist osutus hoone kaalutud energiatõhususe arv 158,3 kWh/(m2·a), mis tagab hoonele juba olemasoleva D klassi. Saamaks energiamärgist C, kus kaalutud energia tarbimine ≤150 kWh/(m2·a), pakub töö autor välja päikesepaneelide kasutamise, mis aitavad tagada soovitud energiatõhusus arvu, mille alusel on võimalik KredEx toetuse taotlemine. Väljapakutud renoveerimispaketi II tasuvusajaks osutus 91 aastat, mis ei ole mõistlik. Kuigi majanduslikult ei osutunud hoone rekonstrueerimine antud lahendustega tasuvaks, siis elanike heaolu tagamine on hindamatu ning rekonstrueeritud hoone väärtus on ajas püsivam. Antud hoone rekonstrueerimiseks tuleb leida kulutõhusamad lahendused, mis aitaks ühistu liikmeid veenda rekonstrueerimise olulisuses. Töö autor leiab, et hoone edasiseks püsimiseks on kindlasti vaja teostada 0-paketis välja toodud tööd, mis aitavad vältida edaspidiseid suuremaid kahjustusi ja tagada sisekliima klassi II.et
dc.description.abstractPreparation of the Package for the Reconstruction of Partially Renovated Apartment Building Eligible for the 40% Grant from KredEx The 3-storey building studied in the thesis is located in the city of Rakvere. Built in 1992, its roof was insulated in 2002 and its facade was insulated in 2008 for achieving energy savings to reduce the tenants’ monthly utility expenses. While the house has been insulated, little attention has been paid to changes that have taken place in the indoor climate. For purposes of building insulation, and according to the wishes of apartment owners, most of the building's original wooden windows have been replaced with plastic-frame glazing windows that are more airtight than wooden windows. Since the building has become more airtight and the ventilation system has not been upgraded, the air circulation in the building has decreased. Because of lower air circulation, the windows are also kept open during the heating season, which means that the thermal energy used to heat the building is emitted from the windows. This shows that insulation has not been effective and that heating bills remain high. The primary goal of the thesis is to evaluate the building’s current condition and indoor climate, which is assessed using the visual observation method, data obtained from the apartment association and the results of measuring the indoor climate. The observation showed that the building is in poor condition – the roofing installation solution is wrong and the roofing is being damaged, paving strip is being damaged, heating and domestic water pipelines are not insulated, ventilation is poor, etc. The second goal of the study is to determine the building’s energy consumption and thus present to the apartment association a reconstruction solution that is eligible to receive 40% reconstruction grant from KredEx, ie with weighted energy use class (KEK) that corresponds to the energy label C (121<KEK<150 kWh/m2·a) as well as provide solutions to improve the building’s indoor climate. The accuracy of the weighted energy label issued in 2013 was checked on the basis of cost data. "Using IDA ICE 4.8, an energy consumption and indoor climate application, the data of the building in question was entered into the simulation model. The compiled model was adjusted to match the actual situation so that the model's calculated heat and power consumption correspond to measured consumption. The adjusted model allows to further analyse of how the insulation of the building structures or modification of building engineering systems change the building’s heat demand." [2, p. 7] The third goal of the paper is to assess the payback period of the renovation solution, which is based on the simple payback period method. To evaluate and map the condition of the building, visual observation method was used. The observation showed that the building components with the greatest damage were the roof and the hydroproofing of the basement. The building’s indoor climate was also bad. For assessing the indoor climate, measurements were performed in three apartments. As a result, it was found out that the key problem in the apartments was low air circulation and high level of CO2. High level of CO2 indicates poor air circulation. In order to check air circulation, air flow was measured in one apartment. It showed that air circulation was within the range of 0-2 l/s. The main reason for poor ventilation was that the building’s ventilation ducts on the roof and in the apartments were covered, and fresh air inlet valves in the apartments were closed. The condition of the building’s heating and domestic water supply pipeline is poor, the pipelines are not insulated and the pipes of the domestic water are clogged. Due to clogging, the residents suffer problems in domestic water supply because of lack of water pressure. With regard to improving the condition of the building, the author studied eligibility requirements for the 40% reconstruction support provided for apartment buildings by KredEx, and developed a renovation solution. To determine the energy consumption of the existing building, the IDA ICE model was prepared with the simulation application which was adjusted with the actual situation and, as a result, the weighted energy consumption was determined to be 160.8 kWh/(m2·a). According to eligibility requirements for the 40% KredEx grant, the data was entered into the model and the weighted energy consumption of the building to be renovated was found. The data entered did not provide the expected result, ie the building’s energy efficiency did not comply with class C≤150 kWh/(m2·a). After the implementation of the renovation measures the building’s weighted energy-efficiency figure was 158.3 kWh/(m2·a), which complies with the existing class D. In order to receive energy label C, where the weighted energy consumption is ≤150 kWh/(m2·a), the author offers to use solar panels that enable to achieve the desired energy efficiency which could be used to apply for the KredEx grant. The payback period for the proposed renovation project II was 91 years, which is unreasonable. Although the building’s renovation is not economically feasible with such solutions, the wellbeing of tenants is invaluable and the renovated building would maintain its value over time. For renovating the building one would need to find more cost-effective solutions that could convince members of the apartment association to undertake renovation. The author believes that in the interest of future preservation of the building it is absolutely necessary to implement the works shown in “Zero” package which will enable to prevent further major damages and ensure Class II indoor climate.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationConstruction--Building Construction--Construction--Renovation and reconstruction worken
dc.subject.classificationEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Ehitamine--Remont- ja rekonstrueerimistöödet
dc.subject.otherHoonete ehituset
dc.subject.otherBuilding Constructionen
dc.titleOsaliselt renoveeritud korterelamu rekonstrueerimise paketi koostamine vastavalt KredEx 40% toetuse saamise nõuetele
dc.title.alternativePreparation of the Package for the Reconstruction of Partially Renovated Apartment Building Eligible for the 40% Grant from KredEx
