Balti Jaama Turu 0-tsükli ehituse organiseerimine

dc.contributor.advisorAlt, Aivars
dc.contributor.authorOberschneider, Kaarel
dc.description.abstractLõputöö peamine eesmärk oli Balti Jaama Turu kaevetööde ja plaatvundamendi organiseerimine. Lõputöös on kirjeldatud rajatava kompleksi konstruktiivset lahendust ja arhitektuuri. Lõputöö alusprojektiks oli Neoprojekt OÜ poolt koostatud konstruktiivne põhiprojekt mis on koostatud KOKO Arhitektide arhitektuurse põhiprojekti alusel. Lõputöö raames koostas autor tehnoloogiakaardid kaeviku rajamise ja plaatvundamendi ehitamise kohta koos ajalise seosega. Kitsaste olude ja suurest täisehitamise protsendist tulenevalt kasutatakse tööde teostamiseks kolme tornkraanat. Kaevetööde ajalise kestvuse ja masinate vajaduse arvestamisel tugines autor kaevetöid teostava ettevõtte esindaja poolt ette antud ajanorme. Vundamendi tööde teostamise lahendamisel on autor tuginenud isiklikele varasematele kogemustele sarnaste tööde teostamisel. Ehitusplatsi plaanil on lisaks tornkraanade asukohtadele märgitud olmeruumide asukohad, ajutise veevarustuse ning ajutise elektrivarustuse paigutus ja sissepääsud objektile koos ehitamist teenindava transpordi liikumiseega. Lisaks on koostatud ehituseelarve milleks kujunes 1 780 1557 €. Välja toodud ehituse organiseerimise kulud, mille maksumuseks kujunes 8,8% eelarvest, ehk 1 566 706,86 €. Kogu ehitusprotsessi kajastava kalenderplaani koostamisel on lähtutud erinevate tööliikide tehnoloogilisest järjekorrast ning konkreetsete tööde teostamiseks vajalikust tööliste arvust. Tööde järjekorra ja ajalise kestvuse pidi autor sobitama tellija poolt ehituseks ette antud ajavahemiku sisse. Ehitustöödega alustati 18.01.2016 ning ehitis peab valmis olema tellijale üle andmiseks 8.03.2017 kui algab rentnikele ette nähtud kolimise aeg. Kompleksi ehitusprotsessi pikkuseks kujunes 298 tööpäeva, mille teostamiseks on lõputöö autori poolt arvutatud maksimaalselt 172 töölist. Lõputöö andis koostajale uusi teadmisi mullatööde organiseerimise ja süvendite toestamise
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the present thesis was to organise the excavation work and raft foundation of the Balti Station Market (Balti Jaama Turg). The structural and architectural solution of this building complex that is under construction are described in the thesis. The structural design document drafted by Neoprojekt OÜ, which is based on the architectural design document drafted by KOKO Architects, was used as the conceptual design for the thesis. As part of the thesis, the author composed process charts for building a trench and constructing the raft foundation, providing the temporal links. Due to limited space and a high ratio of built-up area, three tower cranes are used for construction work. The calculations of the duration of excavation work and the need for machinery are based on the time norms indicated by a representative of the company performing excavation work. When finding a solution for the conducting of foundation works, the author relied on prior personal experiences when performing similar work. In addition to the locations of the tower cranes, the general plan of the construction site shows the locations of non-work rooms, the location of the temporary water supply system and the temporary electricity supply system as well as the site entry and exit points along with the transport traffic path for the vehicles supporting the construction. Additionally, a construction budget, totalling € 17,801,557, was compiled. The organisational costs of the construction, which constitute 8,8% of the total budget, i.e., € 1,566,706.86, are shown. When composing a schedule for the entire construction process, the technological order of different work procedures and the number of workers needed for performing specific work operations have served as the basis. The author had to fit the order of work operations and the duration of them in the time frame prescribed by the contracting entity for the construction. The construction works started on 18 January 2016; and the complex has to be completed and ready to be transferred to the contracting entity by 8 March 2017, when the time intended for the renters to move in starts. The duration of the construction of the complex is 298 workdays, for which, according to the calculations of the author of the thesis, a maximum of 172 workers are required. Working on the thesis gave the author new knowledge on how to organise earthworks and excavation supports.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationConstruction--Building Construction--Construction--Organization of constructionen
dc.subject.classificationEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Ehitamine--Ehituse organiseerimineet
dc.subject.otherHoonete ehituset
dc.subject.otherBuilding Constructionen
dc.titleBalti Jaama Turu 0-tsükli ehituse organiseerimine
dc.title.alternativeOrganizing the Construction of 0 - cycle to BALTI JAAMA TURG
